Thursday, September 24, 2015

Holes Ch. 39-42

Chapters 39-42

1.      Explain what Zero confesses to Stanley.

2.      Why did Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat?

3.      Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole?

4.      Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks?

5.      Explain how the shoes had managed to fall on Stanley’s head at the beginning of the story.

1.      Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes?

2.      Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation?


  1. Chapters 39-42

    1. Explain what Zero confesses to Stanley. Zero confesses to Stanley that he is the one who stole Clyde Livingston's shoes.

    2. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat? Hattie Parker blushed because her husband is the butcher.

    3. Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole? Stanley wants to dig one more hole because for his plans he needs money and he wants to go to his hole and get he treasure.

    4. Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks? Zero filled the bottom of their hole with rocks because he didn’t want the dirt mixing with the water.

    5. Explain how the shoes had managed to fall on Stanley’s head at the beginning of the story. The shoes fell on Stanley's head because they were on the wire.

    1. Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes? Zero chooses this moment because he is bonding with Stanley and because he thinks he might die.

    2. Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation? He is right but the positive is Stanley and Zero met each other.

  2. 1. Explain what Zero confesses to Stanley.

    Zero said that he stole the shoes that hit Stanley on the head.

    2. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat?

    Mrs.Tennyson’s husband is the bucher.

    3. Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole?

    Stanley wants to help his parents stay in a home, and he is positive that in the hole where he found the lipstick tube there is a treasure chest.

    4. Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks?

    So the mud at the bottom would not come up.

    5. Explain how the shoes had managed to fall on Stanley’s head at the beginning of the story.

    Zero put the shoes on top of a parked car, and when the car drove off the shoes probably fell on Stanley.

    1. Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes?

    If Zero had died Stanley would have never known about what Zero did.

    2. Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation?

    If Zero would have kept the sneakers then only zero would have been here right now. There is some positive thinking in this moment

  3. 1. Explain what Zero confesses to Stanley.
    Zero confesses that he stole the shoes.

    2. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat?
    She blushed because she was cured by onions.

    3. Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole?
    So he can find treasure in the hole that he found the gold tube in.

    4. Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks?
    So it would separate the dirt from the water.

    5. Explain how the shoes had managed to fall on Stanley’s head at the beginning of the story.
    Zero stole the shoes and the shoes got knocked off by the wind and fell.

    1. Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes?
    I think he thinks that it is the right time.

    2. Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation?
    Yes, I think he’s right because Zero stole the shoes and Stanley found them so Stanley got the blame.

  4. Chapters 39-42

    1. Explain what Zero confesses to Stanley.Zero said that he was the one whostole the shoes. If he would of kept the shoes they wouldn’t be at Camp Green Lake.

    2. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat?She blushed because Sam’s onions help cure her daughter.

    3. Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole?He wants to because there might be tresher in that hole.

    4. Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks?He did this so that the water would separate from the dirt.

    5. Explain how the shoes had managed to fall on Stanley’s head at the beginning of the story.First Zero had stole the shoes. Second Zero put the shoes on a car. Third The shoes had fallen over the overpass.

    1. Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes?He does because they are at the big thumb.

    2. Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation?Yes, I think he is right because he put them on a car and they fell and hit Stanley. There is a positive Thing in this because Stanley is happy that the shoes fell and hit him on the head.

  5. 1. Explain what Zero confesses to Stanley.
    he says that he was the one that stole Clyde Livingston's shoes and dropped it over the bridge.

    2. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat? Because she knows that her husband never washes his knifes after dealing with meat.

    3. Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole?
    So he can try to find something wear the gold tube was buried.

    4. Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks?
    To help the water squirt out easier.

    5. Explain how the shoes had managed to fall on Stanley’s head at the beginning of the story.
    Zero took the shoes from a shelter and tossed them of the bridge and it hit stanley.

    1. Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes?
    Because he wants to tell him before he dies.

    2. Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation?
    Yes it's good that he did not keep those sneakers because he would have never met Zero.

  6. Holes Ch. 39-42
    Chapters 39-42

    1. Explain what Zero confesses to Stanley.
    Zero’s confession was that he stole the the shoes and went around the corner of the place and took them off.

    2. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat?
    She blushed because her and her husband got the same sickness.

    3. Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole?
    He wants to dig one more hole to see if he can find anything else.

    4. Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks?
    So the water would not touch the dirt so the dirt would not get the water dirty.

    5. Explain how the shoes had managed to fall on Stanley’s head at the beginning of the story.
    They fell on his head because Zero head through them them up and they were on a line and they fell off the line and hit him in the head.

    1. Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes?
    I think he told him know because they were alone and he wanted to tell him that it was his fault that Stanley was at Camp GReen Lake.
    2. Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation?
    I think yes maybe they would not get caught but at the same time I think they would get caught.

  7. Explain what Zero confesses to Stanley. Zero confesses to Stanley that he stole Clyde Livingston's shoes.

    2. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat? Hattie Parker blushed when Mrs. Tennyson said that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat because her husband is the butcher.

    3. Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole? Stanley wants to dig one more hole because he wants to go back to Camp Green Lake, go to the hole where he found Kate Barlow’s lipstick tube, and look for some treasure.

    4. Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks? Zero filled the bottom of the hole with rocks to separate the dirt from the water.

    5. Explain how the shoes had managed to fall on Stanley’s head at the beginning of the story. Clyde Livingston’s shoes fell on Stanley’s head because of Zero. Zero said that he had walked into the shelter and saw the shoes. He said that when he went in the shelter he just took what they needed. There was a sign but at that time he couldn’t read. Then one day he saw the shoes and just took them. Then Zero said that he ran around the corner, took off the shoes, and put them on a parked car.

    1. Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes? I think that Zero chooses this moment to tell confess that he stole the shoes because he thinks he might die.

    2. Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation? I think that Zero is right. The positive thing in their situation is that they both met each other.

  8. 1. Zero confesses to Stanley that he took the shoes that belonged to Clyde Livingten.

    2. Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating bad meat because Mrs. Parker’s husband is the butcher.

    3. Stanley wants to dig one more hole because they want to find more onions and water.

    4. Zero filled the bottom of the hole with rocks because him and Stanley did not want the mud to get into the water they had dug up.

    5. The shoes had managed to fall to fall on Stanley's head at the beginning of the story because Zero had put the shoes on top of a parked car and then the shoes fell of of the parked car on top of the freeway.

    6.Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes because he wants to come clean and because he feels confident that Stanley will not get mad at him.

    7. I think that if Zero would have kept the old smelly sneakers neither of them would of them would be at Camp Green Lake. There is something positive about the situation by Stanley having a friend like Zero and having a happy feeling because he is not being bullied like at school.

  9. 1. Explain what Zero confesses to Stanley. Zero was the one who stole the shoes

    2. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat? Because that her husband

    3. Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole? To find something

    4. Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks? To save the water

    5. Explain how the shoes had managed to fall on Stanley’s head at the beginning of the story. Zero put them on a car

    1. Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes? Because he might die so he wants to tell him

    2. Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation? Yes he is right because the smelly sneaks would have not fall from the sky.

  10. 1. Explain what Zero confesses to Stanley.
    Zero confesses to Stanley that he stole the shoes that put Stanley in Camp Green Lake.

    2. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat?
    Hattie Parker blushed when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating bad meat because her husband is the butcher.

    3. Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole?
    Stanley wants to dig one more hole because he believes that their might be some sort of treasure where he had found the gold tube.

    4. Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks?
    Zero filled the bottom of their hole with rocks because he wanted to separate the mud from the water.

    5. Explain how the shoes had managed to fall on Stanley’s head at the beginning of the story.
    The shoes had fallen on Stanley’s head because after Zero had stolen them he set them on top of a car and then they fell off of the overpass landing right on Stanley’s head.

    1. Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes?
    I believe that Zero chooses this moment to confess about the shoes because he wants Stanley to know the truth before they leave big thumb.
    2. Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation?
    I feel that only Zero would be at Camp Green Lake if he would have kept the sneakers. I believe the positive in the situation is that Stanley knows the truth now, Zero has a lot of weight lifted off of his shoulders, and Stanley isn’t really mad.
