Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Chapters 1-3

1.      What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?”

2.      Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?

3.      What options does the judge give Stanley?

4.      Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?

5.      Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.

6.      Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?

7.      Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?

1.      Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?

2.      Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?


  1. Chapters 1-3

    1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?”
    Is that they get breakfast at 4:15

    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?
    The warden.

    3. What options does the judge give Stanley?
    To go to jail/to go to Camp Green Lake.

    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?
    Because it is one of the choices.

    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.
    Since his great great grandfather took sneakers from the gepsy

    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?
    because he is the 4th stanley in the family

    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?
    Because they were poor

    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?
    Yes because it drains their behavior.
    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?
    It means when you fail you can understand why you failed.

  2. Chapters 1-3

    3. What options does the judge give Stanley? The judge gives Stanley the option to either go to jail or go to Camp Green Lake.

    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake? Boys go to Camp Green Lake because they have done something bad or juvenile.

    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy. The curse is because Stanley's no- good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great- great-grandfather stole a gypsy's pig.

    1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?” There is no lake and there is nothing that is green, all there is are holes.

    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake? The Warden owns the shade at camp green lake.

    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting? Stanley Yelnats name is interesting because he is Stanley Yelnats the IV and because his last name is his first name backwards.

    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber? There apartment smelt like this because they were poor and Stanleys dad is an inventor, and he trying to find a way to recycle old shoes.

    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one? Yes, because if you are digging holes in the scorching hot sun all day long I bet you would wish you could be at home and didn't do anything juvenile.

    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means? I think that means that Stanley's father is trying to say that once he does something wrong he knows not to do that thing again.

  3. 1. Explain the daily process of digging.
    Everyday they put on there work clothes and dig a hole five feet deep and five feet wide.

    2. Who is Mr. Pendanski?
    Stanley’s counselor is Mr. Pendanski.

    3. Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski like to use nicknames?
    Because he said that they should use there name there mother has given them.

    4. Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards?
    Because you can run away if you want but it's only a dessert for miles and the camp was the only place with water.

    5. Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake.
    Shoe’s fall from the freeway and hit his head so he decided to take them home then after that the cops have shown up.

    6. What do the boys have to do to get time off from digging holes?
    They have to get bite by a rattlesnake and they get the rest of the day of.

  4. Chapters 1-3

    1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?” There is no lake at Camp Green Lake.

    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?The warden owns the shade at Camp Green Lake

    3. What options does the judge give Stanley?Jail or Camp Green Lake.

    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?If they do bad things.

    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.When the great-great-grandfather stole the pig from the one-legged gypsy she put a curse on his descendants.

    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?It is because it has been used for all his relatives names.

    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?It did because his dad tried to make a way to recycle sneakers.

    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?No

    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?He fales so much he got used to it.

  5. Chapters 1-3

    1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?” The interesting thing about the name Camp Green Lake is that there is no lake. The lake has been dried up. Also that there are no living plants. Not even weeds. The only living plants are the shade that the warden owns.

    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake? The warden owns the shade at Camp Green Lake.

    3. What options does the judge give Stanley? The options that the judge gives Stanley are Camp Green Lake or jail.

    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake? The only reason that boys go to Camp Green Lake is if they do something. Like how Stanley stole Clyde Livingston’s shoes.

    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy. The curse from the one-legged gypsy supposably cursed Stanley’s great great grandfather and all his descendants with bad luck. The gypsy did this because his grandfather was trying to steal a pig from the gypsy.

    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting? Stanley Yelnats name is interesting because everyone one in his family has been named Stanley. His dad is Stanley Yelnats III and he himself is Stanley Yelnats IV. Another interesting thing about his name is if you spell his last name backwards it spells Stanley.

    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber? The Yelnats apartment smells like food odor and burning rubber because Stanley’s dad is trying to figure out a way to recycle old sneakers.

    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one? I do not think that if you make a bad person dig holes they'll turn into a good person. I think this because for why would they turn into a good person. What reason would they have to be a good person just for digging holes! Digging holes might make them stronger but definitely not a good person in my opinion.

    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means? I think that when Stanley’s dad says, “I learn from failure”, he means that when he makes a mistake he learns from it. He learns not to do it again.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  7. 1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?” There is no green lake.

    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake? The Warden.

    3. What options does the judge give Stanley? To go to jail or go to camp Green lake.

    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake? Its for bad boys.

    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy. The one-legged gypsy put a curse on Stanley's great great grandfather for stealing the one legged gypsy pig.

    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting? Stanley’s name is so interesting because you can spell it backwards and forwards.

    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber? Because stanley’s dad was a stince.

    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one? No.

    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means? It means he's felled and tries again and it's good to fail sometimes not get everything right.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?”
    What is interesting about the name Camp Green Lake is that there is a lake that is green.

    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?
    The person who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake is the Warden.

    3. What options does the judge give Stanley?
    The judge gives Stanley the option to go to jail or to go to Camp Green Lake.

    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?
    Boys go to Camp green Lake because it is a Camp to make boys be nice and a good boy.

    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.
    The curse from the one-legged gypsy is they are always at the wrong place at the wrong time.

    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?
    Stanley Yelnats name is interesting because his last name spells his first name backwards.

    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?
    The Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber because their dad was trying to invent something to recycle old shoes.

    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?
    I think that a bad boy digging holes will turn them into a good boy because they are out in the hot sun and they want to get out of the hot sun.

    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?
    I think he means that if he fails he can learn from it and make it right the next time.

  10. 1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?”

    The camp is a dried up lake that has a lot of holes dug by the campers. This camp is not green at all either. There is no plant life at all except for two big oak.

    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?

    The only shade at Camp Green Lake is owned by the Warden.

    3. What options does the judge give Stanley?

    The judge gave Stanley the choice between jail or Camp Green Lake.

    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?

    Boys go to Camp Green Lake because digging holes all day can turn a bad boy into a good one.

    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.

    Stanley’s great, great, grandfather supposedly stole a pig from a one legged gypsy and she put a curse on him and all of his descendants.

    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?

    Stanley Yelnats is Stanley spelled both ways.(forward and backwards)

    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?

    Stanley's father is an inventor and he is finding a way to recycle sneakers.

    A. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?

    I believe that it will because of manual labor they won't want to have to go back there.

    B. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?

    I think this means that he is confident.

  11. Holes 1-3

    What is interesting is that there's really no lake. All it is is desert and not so much of it
    The Warto owns the shade to Camp Green Lake
    The judge gives stanley the option to go to jail or go to Camp Green Lake
    Boys go to camp green Lake If they are bein gbad and did something bad
    The curse is that every time that they get in trouble they blame their great great grandfather for all the bad luck that they have.
    Is name is so interesting because most of his family has that name from his father. And because they really like that name
    It smelled like that because it was a scratchy cot and not really not like a bed. Other people were on the same bed to. A guy named barf bag

    I think that digging in the hot sun all day long 5 feet deep and 5 feet wide holes without that much water and only 4 minute bath… that should change them
    I think that It means that if you fail at something and you will always learn and try to make it better or make over and over again until you get better at it

  12. Explain the daily process of digging. You have to dig 5 ft down and 5 ft wide.

    Who is Mr. Pendanski? He is the counselor of the boys.

    Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski like to use nicknames? He doesn't like using nicknames because when they return they'll remember them by there real name.
    Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards? So they can run when they want to because there’s no water for a 100 miles.

    Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake. He was walking under an overpass and the sneakers hit him in the head so he ran and the cop caught him.

  13. Explain the daily process of digging. You have to dig 5 ft down and 5 ft wide.

    Who is Mr. Pendanski? He is the counselor of the boys.

    Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski like to use nicknames? He doesn't like using nicknames because when they return they'll remember them by there real name.
    Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards? So they can run when they want to because there’s no water for a 100 miles.

    Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake. He was walking under an overpass and the sneakers hit him in the head so he ran and the cop caught him.

  14. Camp Green Lake talks about a lake and green as in plant life but there is no lake and no plants.
    The Warden
    jail or camp
    boys go there to improve their behavior and to be disciplined.
    The curse is him and all his descendants have bad luck
    because it’s the same when you say it backward
    because they are poor
    I think digging holes won’t because that just makes them unappreciated things.
    I believe he means I learn from my mistakes

  15. 1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?”
    The interesting thing about the name “Camp Green Lake” is that at Camp Green Lake, there is no lake. Also, there is hardly anything green and it’s in the middle of nowhere.
    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?
    The person who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake is the Warden.
    3. What options does the judge give Stanley?
    The options that the judge gave Stanley is that, he can either go to Camp Green Lake or he can go to jail. He suggested that he should go to Camp Green Lake because it would help improve his behavior.
    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?
    The reason why people go to Camp Green Lake is because they do something very bad. Once they get there, they have to dig one hole every day.
    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.
    Stanley’s great-great grandfather stole a pig from a one-legged gypsy. She put a curse on him and his descendants.
    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?
    The name Stanley Yelnats is interesting because their last name is Stanley spelled backwards.
    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?
    The reason why the Yelnats’ apartment smelled of food, odor and burning rubber is because Stanley’s dad was trying to invent a way to recycle shoes.

    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?
    I don’t really know if it can turn bad people to good people. The reason why I don’t really know is because some people learn their lesson by working hard and reflecting about what they did. Other people don’t really care what they have to do and don’t learn their lesson at all. What i’m saying is people are different. This is why I don’t really know if digging holes can change bad people into good people.

    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?
    I believe “ I learn from failure” means that you learn from your mistakes. If you fail something, the next time you do it, you’ll know what to correct and how to do it better.

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  17. 1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?”
    The name “Camp Green Lake” is interesting because at Camp Green Lake, there is no lake and hardly any green.
    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?
    The warden owns the shade.
    3. What options does the judge give Stanley?
    The judge gave Stanley the options of Camp Green Lake or jail.
    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?
    Boys go to Camp Green Lake because they committed a crime and they didn’t want to go to jail.
    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.
    The one-legged gypsy said she would curse Elya and the rest of his family for eternity if Elya didn’t carry her up the mountain and sing her the song on Myra’s 15 birthday.
    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?
    Stanley Yelnats name is interesting because it’s spelled the exact same way backwards.
    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?
    The Yelnats’ apartment smelled of burning rubber and food odor because Stanley’s dad was trying a new experiment. The experiment was being able to recycle old sneakers.
    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?
    Yes, I believe that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one.
    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?
    I believe this means that you won’t make that same mistake again so basically you learn from your mistakes.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.


  19. Chapters 1-3

    1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?”
    Something interesting about the name, “Camp Green Lake”, is when Stanley gets to the camp he sees that nothing is green.

    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?
    The Warden owns the shade at Camp Green Lake.

    3. What options does the judge give Stanley?
    The two options the judge gives Stanley is he can either go to jail or go to Camp Green Lake.

    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?
    Some boys go to Camp Green Lake because they’ve made bad mistakes and they have done some bad things.

    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.
    The curse from the one-legged gypsy was set upon Stanley’s great great grandfather because he broke a promise.

    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?
    His name is so interesting because Stanley spelled backwards is Yelnats.

    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?
    The Yelnats’ apartment smells of food odor and burning rubber because Stanley’s father was trying to make an invention so he could recycle old sneakers.

    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?
    I don’t believe and I kinda do believe it at the same time because I think if you do all that work, you will probably get tired of doing it and you will probably beg not to do it anymore.

    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?
    I think this means that you will learn about what not to do after you don't succeed.

  20. 1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?”
    The name Camp Green Lake is interesting because the camp would have a lake and it sounds like it would have a lot of green.

    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?
    The Warden owns the shade.

    3. What options does the judge give Stanley?
    The judge gives Stanley an option to go to jail or go to Camp Green Lake.

    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?
    Boys go to Camp Green Lake because they did something wrong. People thought that if boys go to Camp Green Lake they would turn into a good boy.

    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.
    Stanley’s great great grandfather stole a pig from a one-legged gypsy. The curse was put on Stanley’s great-great grandfather and all of his descendants.

    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?
    Stanley Yelnats name is interesting because it’s spelled the same backwards and forwards.

    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?
    The Yelnats’ apartment smells like food because Stanley’s father collects old sneakers and tries to look for uses for them.

    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?
    I don’t think that digging holes will turn a good person into a good person. I think this because all you’re doing digging.

    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?
    I think he means that if he fails he will learn from his mistakes.

  21. Chapters 1-3

    1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?”
    It was a lake and the biggest lake in Texas's .

    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?
    The Warden owns the shade at Camp Green Lake.

    3. What options does the judge give Stanley?
    The judge gives Stanley the options to go to jail or Camp Green Lake.

    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?
    Boys go to Camp Green Lake if they were very bad.

    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.
    The curse was because Stanley’s great great Grandfather stole a pig.
    The one-legged gypsy put a curse on him and all his descendants.
    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?
    His name is so interesting because a couple people in his family had the same name and because Stanley Yelnats is spelt Stanley Yelnats backwards and forwards so that is why they named him Stanley.

    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?
    Thier apartment smells like that because Stanleys dad is a scientist and he finds new experiments.

    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?
    I believe that it does not make them be good I think they just want the boys do it for them because they don’t to do it.
    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?
    I think it means never give up and you do something wrong and go over your steps and get it right.


  22. 1. How does Stanley almost get in a fight?
    Stanley got in a fight because he trips over a lump on the chair and the lump almost got Stanley. in a fight

    2. What does Stanley write to his mother about?
    Stanley said to his mother that he is having a great time on his first day and he's gonna pass his swimming test.

    3. Who is Caveman?
    Caveman is Stanley but Stanley thought the Caveman was the lump on the chair but he is.

    4. What does Stanley find after digging his first hole?
    Stanley finds a fossil of a fish and you can see all of the fishes little bones on the rock.

    5. Explain the yellow-spotted lizards.
    The yellow-spotted lizards have a white tongue black, teeth and red eyes.

    1. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order?
    The order is X-ray, Armpit, Squid, Zigzag, Magnet and Zero and stanley lines up behind zero they will always line up in this same order no matter what.

  23. 1. Where did X-Rays nickname come from?
    X-Rays nickname came from piglatin because X-Ray is Rex.

    2. How do the boys at camp feel about Zero?
    They feel that he is not worth anything at camp.

    3. Explain what Stanley finds in his hole.
    Stanley finds in his hole a golden tube with two openings on each end and on it it says KB.

    4. How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley?
    At breakfast time X-Ray mistreats Stanley because he snaps at him.

    5. Describe the Warden.
    The warden is girl and is very serious about what goes on and by.

    6. Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden?
    X-Ray waited because he was practically done with his hole so Stanley told X-Ray to wait the next day.

    1. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this?
    No i do not agree because the shoes fell of from a freeway and hit his head then the cops showed up

  24. 1. Why doesn’t Stanley worry that Zero is looking over his shoulder?
    Because Zero can not read or write.

    2. How did Magnet get his nickname?
    Magnet got his nickname because his fingers are like magnets because he will always have his hands on something.

    3. Explain what happens with the sunflower seeds.
    Magnet got his hands on Mr.sir's sunflower pouch and they played catch with it and it fell in stanley's hole i'm Mr.sir saw.

    4. Explain what happens when Mr. Sir takes Stanley to the Warden.
    When Mr.sir takes stanley to the warden the warden takes out her nail polish made out of rattlesnake venom and hits Mr.sir.

    5. What surprised Stanley when he returned to his hole?
    It was deeper than it looked when he came back.

    6. How was Stanley able to tell that Zero had dug his hole?
    Because none of them claimed that they did it and Zero is a fast diger.

    7. How did Stanley’s great-grandfather claim to have survived in the desert?
    Because he was on God's thumb

    1. Why do you think Stanley continues lying to his mom and dad in his letters?
    Because he does not want them to freak out

    2. Why do you think Zero finishes Stanley’s hole for him?
    Because stanley to the punishment

  25. 1. Describe Sam and Katherine.
    Sam is always helping Katherine with her schoolhouse and Katherine is usually feeding mary lou.

    2. According to Sam, what could onions cure?
    Sams onions can almost cure anything it's like medicine he says.

    3. Explain how Katherine became Kissin’ Kate Barlow.
    Katherine became Kissin’ Kate Barlow right after Sam got shot and died.

    4. What is Zero’s real name and why is it significant?
    Zero's real name is Hector Zeroni it's significant because his last name is the same as someone's long ago.

    5. Who returned to Green Lake after twenty years? What had happened?
    Kissin’ Kate Barlow returned and woke to a surprise with a shotgun in her face they to her to the lake for her to dig the loot up and a yellow spotted lizard bit her and she died.

    6. When was the last time rain fell on Green Lake?

    1. Why don’t the other boys approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys?
    No i really don't think it's fair to make zero dig the holes all day and then after he learns how to read and write.

    2. Who else has turquoise-studded boots like Kate Barlow’s?
    The Warden also has turquoise studded boots.

  26. 1. What does the lightning reveal to Stanley?
    The lightning reveals a weird shaped mountain with that looks like god's thumb.

    2. Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes.
    Zero grabbed his shovel and hit mr. Pendanski on face with it and he fell to the ground and zero ran away.

    3. Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge?
    He hopes he will take refuge on god’s thumb.

    4. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him?
    Because she does not want zero's parents foster or etc find out what happened.

    1. Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him?
    Because he does not want to get into any trouble.

  27. im doing a school thing on this and it helping me alot

    1. yeah that true its really helpful.

  28. jurdah heheheheheheh4reh4eh4eh4reh4rhe4h4e
