Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Holes Chapters 18-21

Chapters 18-21

1.      Why doesn’t Stanley worry that Zero is looking over his shoulder?

2.      How did Magnet get his nickname?

3.      Explain what happens with the sunflower seeds.

4.      Explain what happens when Mr. Sir takes Stanley to the Warden.

5.      What surprised Stanley when he returned to his hole?

6.      How was Stanley able to tell that Zero had dug his hole?

7.      How did Stanley’s great-grandfather claim to have survived in the desert?

1.      Why do you think Stanley continues lying to his mom and dad in his letters?
2.      Why do you think Zero finishes Stanley’s hole for him?


  1. 1. Because he's a nobody.

    2. Because his hands are like little magnets.

    3. Magnet stole them everyone ate them but Stanley took the blame.

    4. The warden puts venom nail polish

    5. It was done.

    6. Because he wasn't finished with his

    7. He took refuge on god's thumb.

    1. Because he doesn't want them to worry.

    2. Because he wants to learn how to read.

  2. 1. Why doesn’t Stanley worry that Zero is looking over his shoulder? Stanley doesn't worry about Zero looking over his shoulder because he can't read

    2. How did Magnet get his nickname? Because his as are like Magnet’s.

    3. Explain what happens with the sunflower seeds. Magnet stole them and passed it to the boys and stanley dropped it his his hole

    4. Explain what happens when Mr. Sir takes Stanley to the Warden. The warden shwes stanley her nail polish and slaps Mr.sir with her hand.

    5. What surprised Stanley when he returned to his hole? The boys drugged his hole.

    6. How was Stanley able to tell that Zero had dug his hole? Because his hole was smaller than his.

    7. How did Stanley’s great-grandfather claim to have survived in the desert? Something about the god thume.

    1. Why do you think Stanley continues lying to his mom and dad in his letters? Because he doesn't want them to get worried
    2. Why do you think Zero finishes Stanley’s hole for him? For not blaming who stole the seeds on them

  3. 1. Why doesn’t Stanley worry that Zero is looking over his shoulder?
    That is because he believes Zero is nobody and is not important.

    2. How did Magnet get his nickname?
    Magnet got his name by being like a magnet.

    3. Explain what happens with the sunflower seeds.
    Everybody gets some sunflower seeds and when it comes to Caveman, he does not catch them and spills them all over.

    4. Explain what happens when Mr. Sir takes Stanley to the Warden.
    The warden is not meen to Caveman and backhands Mr. Sir for annoying her.

    5. What surprised Stanley when he returned to his hole?
    He is surprised because his hole is almost finished.

    6. How was Stanley able to tell that Zero had dug his hole?
    He could tell because Zero’s hole was not dug and he was digging slowly.

    7. How did Stanley’s great-grandfather claim to have survived in the desert?
    On the tip of god’s thumb.

    1. Why do you think Stanley continues lying to his mom and dad in his letters?
    He keeps lying because he does not want them to take it the wrong way.

    2. Why do you think Zero finishes Stanley’s hole for him?
    Zero finishes Stanley’s hole because he took the blame for the sunflowers that Magnet stole.

  4. . Why doesn’t Stanley worry that Zero is looking over his shoulder?

    Zero doesn’t know how to read.

    2. How did Magnet get his nickname?

    Magnet has fingers like little magnets.

    3. Explain what happens with the sunflower seeds.

    Magnet steals them and then the boys in group D throw them around and Stanley takes credit for taking them.

    4. Explain what happens when Mr. Sir takes Stanley to the Warden.

    The warden doesn’t care about Mr.Sir's sunflower seeds so she paints her nails with a polish made of rattlesnake venom and scratches Mr.Sir's face.

    5. What surprised Stanley when he returned to his hole?

    His hole was already dug by zero.

    6. How was Stanley able to tell that Zero had dug his hole?

    Zero can dig fast and he likes to dig.

    7. How did Stanley’s great-grandfather claim to have survived in the desert?

    He said he found refuge on god's thumb.

    1. Why do you think Stanley continues lying to his mom and dad in his letters?

    He is trying to make the best of a bad situation.

    2. Why do you think Zero finishes Stanley’s hole for him?

    Stanley didn't steal the sunflower seeds.

  5. 1. Why doesn’t Stanley worry that Zero is looking over his shoulder? Stanley doesn’t worry about Zero looking over his shoulder because Zero doesn’t know how how to read.

    2. How did Magnet get his nickname? Magnet got his nickname because he said that his fingers are like little magnets.

    3. Explain what happens with the sunflower seeds. First, Magnet stole the sunflower seeds from Mr. Sir’s truck while he was filling up everyone’s canteens. Then they started to pass it around. When ZigZag threw that bag to Stanley he didn’t wrap the top up so all the seeds spilled.

    4. Explain what happens when Mr. Sir takes Stanley to the Warden. The warden scratches tem with her nail polish. She mostly hurts Mr. Sir.

    5. What surprised Stanley when he returned to his hole? That his hole was almost done.

    6. How was Stanley able to tell that Zero had dug his hole? Stanley was able to tell that Zero had dug his hole because his hole was the smallest.

    7. How did Stanley’s great-grandfather claim to have survived in the desert? Stanley’s great great grandfather claimed to have survived in the desert by god's thumb.

    1. Why do you think Stanley continues lying to his mom and dad in his letters? I think that Stanley is lying to his mom and dad in his letters because he doesn’t want them to worry about him.
    2. Why do you think Zero finishes Stanley’s hole for him? I think that Zero finishes Stanley's hole for him because he knows that it wasn’t Stableys fault that the sunflower seeds spilled.

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