Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Holes Chapter 32-35

Chapters 32-35

1.      Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?

2.      Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.

3.      Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?

4.      Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.

5.      What is different about the most distant holes?

6.      Explain Sploosh.

1.      When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?
2.      Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?


  1. Chapters 32-35

    1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch? Brain was given the nickname twitch because he can't sit still.

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape. Brain told Stanley to put it in gear but then he drove into a hole so he got out and ran.

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp? Stanley thought he had to return to camp because he was going to die out there.

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland. Stanley found yellow spotted lizards in a hole.

    5. What is different about the most distant holes? They are close.

    6. Explain Sploosh. Sploosh is warm, bubbly, mushy nectar,sweet and tangy, and tasted like peaches.

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going? Stanley keeps going because every time he looks at it it encourages him.
    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean? What worried Stanley the most was the thought of him dead.

  2. 1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch? Because he hot wired cars because he twitch’s

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape. He got in Mr.sir's truck and drove in a hole and ran away to find zero

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp? Because he saw nothing when he was walking

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland. A boat and a hole with yellow spot lizards

    5. What is different about the most distant holes? There is no rows

    6. Explain Sploosh. Sploosh is in a can and taste like peaches

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going? Him and Zero are going to the thumb
    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean? He was going to be dead

  3. 1. The new kid was named twitch because he twitches a lot.

    2. Stanley worries about Hector so he tries to steal the truck but puts it in a hole. He then runs out to look for Hector.

    3. Stanley thinks he should go back to camp because of the water problem.

    4. Stanley thought he found a rock but it was a empty sack.

    5. They aren't in rows like on the lake.

    6. Sploosh is a mushy sweet and tarty brown drink.

    1. I think he keeps going because he's thirsty and he thinks that there is water at the top.

    2. I think it means when he goes out to find him he will see him die in front of him.

  4. 1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?
    Because Brian is always twitching.

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.
    When mr.sir parks the pickup truck he hoped in the truck and drove it then he crashed into a hole.

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?
    Because he can tell the warden where they really found the gold tube.

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.
    He found a boat upside down and halfway down in the dirt and there were words on it that said Mary Lou.

    5. What is different about the most distant holes?
    They are not in order and they all are just scattered wherever

    6. Explain Sploosh.
    Sploosh is a jar with peaches inside the jar and the jars are located in the boat.

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[He kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?
    Because the the big thumb almost encourages him to keep going

    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?
    He was worried that Zero can't survive out there and its been four days.

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  5. 1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?
    He is given the nickname because he twitches a lot.

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.
    He steals the water truck.

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?
    He thought because it was so hot in wasteland that they wanted to go back to camp.

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.
    He found a boat called Mary Lou.

    5. What is different about the most distant holes?
    They are in a straight line, yet they are sloppy.

    6. Explain Sploosh.
    I think that the sploosh was Kate’s famous spiced peaches.

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “He kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?
    I think that he is curious.

    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?
    It means that he doesn’t want to think about him crawling through the desert.

  6. 1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?
    He was given the nickname Twitch because he twitched all the time.

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.
    Stanley had been in the truck and its front tires went in a hole and he was laying on the floor got up to start running.

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?
    So he can get food, something to drink, and take Zero back. Also he can tell the Warden where he found the tube.

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.
    STanley found a boat and it said Mary Lou on the back of it.

    5. What is different about the most distant holes?

    6. Explain Sploosh.
    The sploosh had chunks in it and you can drink it.

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?
    He keeps going because one of his grandfathers had always said the Big Thumb so he wanted to know what it was.
    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?
    That meant like if he was to late Zero was most likely dead and if he was not dead then he was not too late.

  7. 1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?

    When he saw the car that he stole he started to twitch.

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.

    The water trucks keys were left in the ignition and Stanley decided to make a run for it.

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?

    The warden would get him and Zero in a lot of trouble.

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.

    Stanley found a bout, or at least half a boat.

    5. What is different about the most distant holes?

    They are all together not spread out for the water truck to come by.

    6. Explain Sploosh.

    Sploosh was probably peches at one time, they were sweet and tangy, and delicious.

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “He kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?

    Stanley is probably thinking that science it has rained there is probably water up there and his great grandfather said he found refuge on gods thumb.

    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?

    Stanley was worried that it was to late and that Zero had…. died.

    1. It's actually the opposite. Stanley had the fear of giving up, as Zero might've still been alive.

  8. Chapters 32-35

    1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?He was because he always twitched.

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.Stanley was in line when he went to the truck's door and drives away.

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?Stanley thought this because he had no food or water.

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.He found a bot with a name that said Mary Lou with Zero under it.

    5. What is different about the most distant holes?The holes were scattered all around the place.

    6. Explain Sploosh.Sploosh was warm, bubbly, mushy nectar, sweet and tangy.

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?I think he keeps going because he wanted to find the water.
    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?It means that Zero might still be alive.

  9. Holes 32-35

    In the book Brian was called teich because he always twitches, a lot around cars
    When Stanley was driving the truck, he turned and fell into a hole
    Stanley thought that he would have to return to camp because he had know water and neither did Zero when he found him
    Stanley found a mountain that looked like a thumb, but he also say a weird object (Boat) and went to that instead
    What is different is that those holes are more wide and deeper
    The sploosh that Zero and Stanley drank tasted like peaches and look like mud, but it was not like that at all it tasted more better than what it looked like

    Stanley kept on going because It looked like a thumb. And Stanley wanted to know if that was a thumb or just a mountain their
    Stanley feared that Zero could have died out in the sun all that time. He did not think it was to late because he still could have survived. But he also thought that it was to late because he could have been dead at the same time.

  10. Chapters 32-35

    1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?
    He was given the nickname Twitch because he twitched all the time.

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.
    Stanley had been in the truck and its front tires went in a hole and he was laying on the floor got up to start running.

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?
    So he can get food, something to drink, and take Zero back. Also he can tell the Warden where he found the tube.

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.
    Stanley found a boat and it said Mary Lou on the back of it.

    5. What is different about the most distant holes?
    They are all together not spread out for the water truck to come.

    6. Explain Sploosh.
    The sploosh had chunks in it and you can drink it.

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?
    He keeps going because one of his grandfathers had always said the Big Thumb so he wanted to know what it was.
    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?
    That meant like if he was to late Zero was most likely dead and if he was not dead then he was not too late.

  11. Chapters 32-35

    1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?
    He was given the nickname Twitch because he twitched all the time.

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.
    Stanley had been in the truck and its front tires went in a hole and he was laying on the floor got up to start running.

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?
    So he can get food, something to drink, and take Zero back. Also he can tell the Warden where he found the tube.

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.
    Stanley found a boat and it said Mary Lou on the back of it.

    5. What is different about the most distant holes?
    They are all together not spread out for the water truck to come.

    6. Explain Sploosh.
    The sploosh had chunks in it and you can drink it.

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?
    He keeps going because one of his grandfathers had always said the Big Thumb so he wanted to know what it was.
    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?
    That meant like if he was to late Zero was most likely dead and if he was not dead then he was not too late.

  12. Chapters 32-35

    1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?
    He was given the nickname Twitch because he twitched all the time.

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.
    Stanley had been in the truck and its front tires went in a hole and he was laying on the floor got up to start running.

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?
    So he can get food, something to drink, and take Zero back. Also he can tell the Warden where he found the tube.

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.
    Stanley found a boat and it said Mary Lou on the back of it.

    5. What is different about the most distant holes?
    They are all together not spread out for the water truck to come.

    6. Explain Sploosh.
    The sploosh had chunks in it and you can drink it.

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?
    He keeps going because one of his grandfathers had always said the Big Thumb so he wanted to know what it was.
    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?
    That meant like if he was to late Zero was most likely dead and if he was not dead then he was not too late.

  13. Chapters 32-35

    1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?
    He was given the nickname Twitch because he twitched all the time.

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.
    Stanley had been in the truck and its front tires went in a hole and he was laying on the floor got up to start running.

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?
    So he can get food, something to drink, and take Zero back. Also he can tell the Warden where he found the tube.

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.
    Stanley found a boat and it said Mary Lou on the back of it.

    5. What is different about the most distant holes?
    They are all together not spread out for the water truck to come.

    6. Explain Sploosh.
    The sploosh had chunks in it and you can drink it.

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?
    He keeps going because one of his grandfathers had always said the Big Thumb so he wanted to know what it was.
    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?
    That meant like if he was to late Zero was most likely dead and if he was not dead then he was not too late.

  14. Chapters 32-35

    1. Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?
    He was given the nickname Twitch because he twitched all the time.

    2. Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.
    Stanley had been in the truck and its front tires went in a hole and he was laying on the floor got up to start running.

    3. Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?
    So he can get food, something to drink, and take Zero back. Also he can tell the Warden where he found the tube.

    4. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.
    Stanley found a boat and it said Mary Lou on the back of it.

    5. What is different about the most distant holes?
    They are all together not spread out for the water truck to come.

    6. Explain Sploosh.
    The sploosh had chunks in it and you can drink it.

    1. When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?
    He keeps going because one of his grandfathers had always said the Big Thumb so he wanted to know what it was.
    2. Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?
    That meant like if he was to late Zero was most likely dead and if he was not dead then he was not too late.

  15. I thought you were showing actual chapters! Learn how to advertise!!
