Monday, September 21, 2015

Holes 29-31

Chapters 29-31

1.      What does the lightening reveal to Stanley?

2.      Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes.

3.      Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge?

4.      Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him?  

1.      Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him?


  1. Chapters 29-31

    1. What does the lightning reveal to Stanley? The lighting reveals God's Thumb to Stanley.

    2. Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes. Zero hit Mr. Pendanski with the shovel when he told him he was only good for digging holes.

    3. Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge? Stanley hopes Zero will take refuge at God's Thumb.

    4. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him? The Warden asks this because she is going to act like Zero was never at Camp Green Lake and have Mr.Pendanski erase him from the files.

    1. Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him? Stanley doesn't fight back when Zig-Zag taunts him because Stanley doesn't want to get in a fight with Zig-Zag.

  2. 1. The lightning reveals god's thumb.

    2. Zero hits him with a shovel.

    3. Stanley hopes he will take refuge on god's thumb.

    4. Because she wanted to erase him from his files.

    1. Stanley doesn't doesn't want to fight because he's not that type of person.

  3. 1. What does the lightning reveal to Stanley? The lightning reveal to stanley because of the gods thumb.

    2. Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes. He had the shovel and slapped Mr.Pendanski with the shovel and said i hate digging holes..

    3. Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge? The mountains of the Gods thumb.

    4. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him? Because she wanted to erase all files of Zero

    1. Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him? Because he wasn’t looking for trouble.

  4. Chapters 29-31

    1. What does the lightning reveal to Stanley?It reveals the gods thumb.

    2. Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes.First Zero said “ I hate digging holes.” Second Mr. Pendanski handed him the shovel. Third Zero hit Mr. Pendanski in the face with the shovel.

    3. Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge?Stanley hopes that Zero would take refuge on god's thumb.

    4. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him? So she can go to them and see if they have Zero.

    1. Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him?He doesn't because he saw Mr. pendanski walking towards him.

  5. The lightning reveals God’s Tumub to Stanley. Zero reacted to Mr.Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes by starting to backup and then runned away. Stanley hoped that Zero would take refuge to go to God’s Thumb where there's water to drink. The Warden repeatedly ask Mr.Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him because she does not want the blame of losing Zero. Stanley does not fight back when ZigZag taunts him because he does not know what he is capable of because he is bigger than the other boys at Camp Green Lake.

  6. 1. What does the lightning reveal to Stanley?
    A big thumb shaped rock formation.

    2. Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes.
    The Warden was picking on Zero and was asking him about what he had learned
    and Mr. Pendanski was trying to give him the shovel.
    3. Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge?
    On the big thumb shaped rock.

    4. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him?
    She repeatedly asked because she wanted Zero to socially disappear.

    1. Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him?
    He doesn’t fight back because Zigzag was keeping on pushing him.

  7. 1. What does the lightning reveal to Stanley?

    The lightning flashes and stanley sees a mountain shaped like a thumb.

    2. Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes.

    Zero hit Mr.Pendanski with the shovel he gave him after telling him he was only good for digging holes and fled to the mountains.

    3. Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge?

    Stanley hopes that Zero will find refuge on god's thumb because the mountain he saw was shaped like a thumb that could be the “gods Thumb” that his great grandfather found refuge on.

    4. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him?

    The warden does not want a inspection because they will find out that she is looking for something.

    1. Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him?

    Stanley simply does not want trouble.

  8. What does the lightning reveal to Stanley? The lighting reveals a thumb on top of a mountain to Stanley.

    2. Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes. When Mr. Pendanski said that Zero was only good for digging holes he swung a shovel like a baseball bat and hit Mr. Pendanski on the face.

    3. Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge? Stanley hopes that Zero will take refuge on gods thumb.

    4. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him? The warden asks Mr. Pendanski repeatedly if Zero had any family or social workers who might take interest in him because she is going to destroy all of his records and act like he was never there.

    1. Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him? Stanley doesn’t fight back against ZigZag when he taunted him because he didn’t want to start a fight.

  9. 1. What does the lightning reveal to Stanley?
    The lighting reveals a mountains the shape of a fist with the thumb straight up.

    2. Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes.
    Zero used the shovel as a baseball bat and swing it at Mr. Pendanski.

    3. Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge?
    Stanley hopes that Zero will find the mountain of “God's Thumb”

    4. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him?
    The Warden ask because she wants to find more information on Zero.

    1. Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him?
    Stanley does not want to fight back because he does not want to start anything.

  10. Holes 29-31

    The lighting reveal to Stanley that the the lighting could have came out of the tip
    Whenever Mr. pendanski told Zero that he was only good for digging holes, Zero decided to get the shovel and hit him on his face then ran
    Stanley hopes that Zero takes refuge in a little house
    The warden keeps on asking because she wants to make sure that no one has any trace of him, that he is forgotten
    Stanley does not fight back because he does not want any trouble with him

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 1. What does the lightning reveal to Stanley?
    The lightning reveals “god’s thumb” to Stanley.

    2. Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes.
    Zero got upset and hit Mr. Pendanski across the face with a shovel, Mr. Pendanski had two black eyes and a very swollen face.

    3. Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge?
    Stanley hopes Zero will take refuge on “god’s thumb” which is on the mountain because he believes that there might be water up there.

    4. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him?
    She repeatedly asks this because she doesn’t want any trace of Zero ever being at Camp Green Lake.

    1. Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him?
    I believe Stanley doesn't fight back when Zig-Zag taunts him because Stanley doesn't like to fight, and he doesn't want to make it obvious that Zero is digging part of his hole for him because he knows he might get in trouble.

  13. Chapters 29-31

    1. What does the lightning reveal to Stanley?
    Lightning reveals the gods thumb.

    2. Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes.
    Zero grabbed the shovel then whacked Mr. Pendanski unconscious the ran out of the lake..

    3. Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge?
    Where that mountain with God’s thumb reflected on.

    4. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him?
    so that ‘Mom’ will delete the state files.

    1. Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him?
    Because he was not that type of person.
