Wednesday, September 9, 2015



Chapters 4-7

  1. Explain the daily process of digging.

  1. Who is Mr. Pendanski?

  1. Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski like to use nicknames?

  1. Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards?

  1. Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake.
  2. What do the boys have to do to get time off from digging holes?

  1. Explain the story of Madame Zeroni and Elya Yelnats.

1.      Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “Mom”? Does this nickname suit him?

2.      What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished?


  1. Chapters 1-3

    1. What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?” There is no lake at Camp Green Lake.

    2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?The warden owns the shade at Camp Green Lake

    3. What options does the judge give Stanley?Jail or Camp Green Lake.

    4. Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?If they do bad things.

    5. Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.When the great-great-grandfather stole the pig from the one-legged gypsy she put a curse on his descendants.

    6. Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?It is because it has been used for all his relatives names.

    7. Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?It did because his dad tried to make a way to recycle sneakers.

    1. Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?No

    2. Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?He fales so much he got used to it.

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  3. Explain the daily process of digging. The hole is 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep.

    Who is Mr. Pendanski? One of the consoles.

    Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski like to use nicknames? Because it's not ther real name

    Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards? Because the will not run away.

    Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake. He stole shows
    What do the boys have to do to get time off from digging holes?The have to dig all day.

    Explain the story of Madame Zeroni and Elya Yelnats.

    1. Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “Mom”? Does this nickname suit him? The call Mr.Pendanski mom because he takes care of the boys like a mom.Yes.

    2. What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished? Stanley feels proud because it’s his first hole and he’s done.

  4. Explain the daily process of digging.
    You grab a shovel and fill your canteen and dig a 5”5” whole if you find something interesting you report it to the warden if she likes it you have the rest of the day to yourself.

    2. Who is Mr. Pendanski?
    Mr. Pendanski is the chaperone for the tent that Stanley is in.

    3. Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski like to use nicknames?
    Because Camp Green Lake is a boys detention center and he likes to use the names their mothers gave them.

    4. Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards?
    Camp Green Lake doesn't have fences or guards because it is 100 miles to the nest water source and it takes a bus 8 hours to get there so you would die of thirst before you even got 3 feet out.

    Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake.
    Stanley was at the scene at the wrong time a pair of sneakers plopped on his head and he started to run and the cops asked why he was running then they noticed that the shoes belonged to a celebrity and cost 5,000 dollars.
    What do the boys have to do to get time off from digging holes?
    The boys have to either finish the whole or find something that the warden likes or is impressed by.

    5. Explain the story of Madame Zeroni and Elya Yelnats.

    Madame zeroni gave Elya a piglet and told him to take the pig up a hill every day until his crush's birthday then he would win her hand in marriage but he forgot that madame zeroni told him to take her up the hill and sing a song to her while she drank from a stream

    1. Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “Mom”? Does this nickname suit him?
    They could call him mom because he enforces rules.
    2. What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished?

    Stanley learns he can do it. I think he feels proud because he did do it, and it was a lot of work.

  5. every day they must dig 1 hole five feet wide and five feet deep
    Mr. Pendanski is the counselor for the tent that stanley stays he doesn't decide when they go back to society they will be known by their real name
    there is no guards or fences because they have the only water in mieles
    he was guilty of stealing shoes that were owned by somebody famous.
    they have to be bitten or stung to get time of.
    she had to carry a pig up a mountain.they call him mom because it makes them feel better
    Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished? I think he is proud because he finally is fitting in.


  6. Chapters 4-7

    Explain the daily process of digging.The hole must be 5 ft. long and 5 ft deep.

    2. Who is Mr. Pendanski?The counselor of tent F.

    3. Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski like to use nicknames?Because he likes the names their mothers gave them.

    4. Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards?Because when you have the only water you need them.

    Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake.Stanley got hit by a baseball player’s sneakers on the head.
    What do the boys have to do to get time off from digging holes?They have to find something good and show the warden.

    Explain the story of Madame Zeroni and Elya Yelnats. Elya promised to carey Zeroni.

    1. Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “Mom”? Does this nickname suit him?No

    2. What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished?He learned that it is not easy. He felt proud because he made his first hole.

  7. Explain the daily process of digging. The daily process of digging is very hard. Unless you've been there for a while. The whole has to be 5ft wide and 5ft all around.

    Who is Mr. Pendanski? Mr. Pendanski is a counselor at Camp Green Lake.

    Why doesn't Mr. Pendanski like to use nicknames? Mr. Pendanski doesn’t like to use nicknames because he said he'd rather use the names their parents gave them. “The names that society will recognize them by when they return to become useful and hardworking members of society.

    Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards? Camp Green Lake doesn’t have fences or guards because they know that no one will run way. They know this because they have the only water for about 100 miles.

    Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake. The reason that Stanley got sent to Camp Green lake is because he “stole” from Clyde Livingston.What happened was that a bully took Stanley’s notebook after school and threw it in a toilet. When Stanley retrived his notebook the bus had already left. Then as he was walking home the shoes fell on him and one hit him in the head. He was under a freeway when the shoes fell on top of him. THen he took them and started running home. He didn’t know that they were Clyde livingstons. Then a patrol car pulled over next to him and asked him why he was running. Then he made a call on his radio. After then he was arrested.

    2. What do the boys have to do to get time off from digging holes? The boys have to dig something up that is interesting and report it to Mr. Pendanski or Mr.Sir. If they think that it is interesting you will get the rest of the day off.

    Explain the story of Madame Zeroni and Elya Yelnats. The story between Madam Zeroni and Elya Yelnats is that Elya would go to Madam Zeroni and talk to her. Even though she has way older than Elya. Madam Zeroni had gotten to know Elya so much that she would just look at him and ask him what was wrong.

    1. Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “Mom”? Does this nickname suit him? I think that the boys call Mr. Pendanski mom because he is their counselor. He is the one that watches them and gives them water. I think that his nickname, mom, does suit him.

    2. What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished? After digging his first hole Stanley realizes that digging the holes is very hard. I think he feels proud of his first hole because it took him a lot of time to finish his hole. Also because it was very hard work for him.

  8. You have to dig a hole that is 5 ft wide and deep.
    an instructor
    Because he want to use the names that their parents gave them.
    because they got the only water for miles
    he was at the wrong place at the wrong time
    find something interesting.
    Eyla ask her to help him and she gave him a pig for the empty headed girl but he promised her that he will take up a mountain and drink from a spring but he didn’t so she cursed him
    yes it’s because he treats them like he’s there mom
    he learn that it’s hard and he is proud

  9. Chapter 4-5
    Explain the daily process of digging.
    The process is to eat breakfast, dig a hole 5 feet wide and 5 feet long.

    Who is Mr. Pendanski?
    He is Stanley’s counselor.

    Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski like to use nicknames?
    because society will recognize them

    Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards?
    Because there isnt any water in the next 100 miles

    Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake.
    because he stole shoes
    What do the boys have to do to get time off from digging holes?
    if you find something in the dirt that is “valuable”.

    Explain the story of Madame Zeroni and Elya Yelnats.
    Elya wanted to marry a small brained girl, for a fat pig that Madame told Elya

    1. Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “Mom”? Does this nickname suit him?
    because he has a good heart. yes
    2. What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished?
    He learns to do the right thing.

  10. Chapters 4-7

    Explain the daily process of digging. it has to be 5 feet each way and it has to be 5 feet tall

    Who is Mr. Pendanski? He is stanley's advisor.

    Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski like to use nickname he doesn't like it because socitey will reconize them.

    Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards? Because there is no other water so no one thinks about running away.

    Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake. He got slammed on the floor.
    What do the boys have to do to get time off from digging holes? they have to be sick

    Explain the story of Madame Zeroni and Elya Yelnats. He was supposed to bring the pig up to the top of the mountain every day the he was supposed to carry her but he didn't.

    1. Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “Mom”? Does this nickname suit him? he fine with it and because he like there mom

    2. What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished? He learns that it is not easy and he feels good when finished.

  11. In the daily process of digging they have to dig five feet wide and five feet deep.
    Mr.Pendanski is the counselor of Cabin D. Mr.Pendanski does not like to use nicknames because when they go back to the real world they will have their regular name to go by. They do not have fences or guards because there is no water for a hundred miles. What got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake because he found a shoe that was going to sell for a lot of money. If they got bitten by a rattlesnake or stung by a yellow-spotted lizard.Or if they found something interesting and the Warden likes it. The boys called Mr.Pendanski mom because he acted like one. I think it suits him because he takes care of the boys like a mom. Stanley learns that it is hard to dig a hole that is perfect. I think Stanley feels proud when his hole is done and he can go rest rest.

  12. Explain the daily process of digging.
    At 4:30 they eat breakfast, each hole must be 5 feet wide and 5 feet long.

    Who is Mr. Pendanski?
    Mr. Pendanski is Stanley Yelnats counselor.

    Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski like to use nicknames?
    He doesn’t like to use nickname because their real names are the names society will recognize them by.

    Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards?
    Camp Green Lake doesn’t have guards or fences because they don’t care if anyone runs away.

    Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake.
    Stanley got sent to camp because he “stole” sneakers that belonged to a famous baseball player.

    What do the boys have to do to get time off from digging holes?
    To get time off from digging holes the boys have to find something interesting. For example, if they find something like a bottle with something in it, they could tell Mr. Pendanski, or Mr. Sir.

    Explain the story of Madame Zeroni and Elya Yelnats.
    Elya wanted to marry a girl named Myra, but a guy named Igor had also wanted to marry her. Igor offered his biggest pig for Myra’s hand in marriage. Elya told Madame Zeroni that he wanted to marry Myra but someone else offered a pig for her marriage. Zeroni gave Elya a pigglet and told him to carry the pig up the mountain and let it drink from the spring everyday until Myra’s birthday. On that the day he has to bring the pig to Myra’s house to see if his pig was bigger or smaller than Igor’s. Madame Zeroni also said that after he brings the pig to Myra he has to carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain to drink from the spring to, or else he and all his decendents would be cursed.

    Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “Mom”? Does this nickname suit him?
    The boys call Mr. Pendanski “mom” because he is like their mom.

    What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished?
    Stanley learns that digging is much harder than it looks. I think that he is proud because finished something hard.
