Thursday, September 17, 2015

Holes Chapter 25-28

Chapters 25-28

1.      Describe Sam and Katherine.

2.      According to Sam, what could onions cure?

3.      Explain how Katherine became Kissin’ Kate Barlow.

4.      What is Zero’s real name and why is it significant?

5.      Who returned to Green Lake after twenty years? What had happened?

6.      When was the last time rain fell on Green Lake?

1.      Why don’t the other boys approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys?
2.      Who else has turquoise-studded boots like Kate Barlow’s?


  1. 1. Describe Sam and Katherine.

    Katherine was a school teacher who was very pretty, Sam was the onion man who had his own onion field.

    2. According to Sam, what could onions cure?

    Onions could cure baldness, sickness, asthma, and different diseases.

    3. Explain how Katherine became Kissin’ Kate Barlow.

    After sam died she went to the sheriff while he was drinking a cup of coffee and shot him then gave him the kiss he wanted and from there on she was Kissin Kate Barlow.

    4. What is Zero’s real name and why is it significant?

    Zero's real name is Hector Zeroni, he must be an offspring from madame Zeroni.

    5. Who returned to Green Lake after twenty years? What had happened?

    Kate Barlow returned to Green Lake after twenty years and was living in a old cabin, one day Trout and Linda Walker came in made her take off her boots and made her walk on the hot ground so she could take them to where her lute was buried.

    6. When was the last time rain fell on Green Lake?

    Rain had not fallen science they killed Sam.

    1. Why don’t the other boys approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys?

    The other boys had to dig their entire holes alone but Stanley had one hour off a day.

    2. Who else has turquoise-studded boots like Kate Barlow’s?

    The warden had Turquoise studded boots just like Kate Barlow.

  2. 1. Describe Sam and Katherine.
    Sam was an onion pickin’ man and Katherine was a pretty school teacher.

    2. According to Sam, what could onions cure?
    Asthma, warts and pimples, arthritis, and baldness.

    3. Explain how Katherine became Kissin’ Kate Barlow.
    After Trout Walker killed Sam, she killed the sheriff and put on red lipstick and kissed him.

    4. What is Zero’s real name and why is it significant?
    Zero’s real name is Hector Zeroni and is significant because of Madame Zeroni.

    5. Who returned to Green Lake after twenty years? What had happened?
    The lake dried up and the trees died.

    6. When was the last time rain fell on Green Lake?
    On the Sam died.

    1. Why don’t the other boys approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys?
    Yes I believe it is fair to both boys and the other boys are making fun of him because their jealous.

    2. Who else has turquoise-studded boots like Kate Barlow’s?
    The Warden

  3. Thursday, September 17, 2015
    Holes Chapter 25-28
    Chapters 25-28

    1. Describe Sam and Katherine. Sam is a negro. He sells onion ointments, onion juice, and onions. Katherine is a beautiful girl with turquoise studded boots.

    2. According to Sam, what could onions cure? Sams says that onions can cure asthma, warts and pimples, arthritis, and baldness.

    3. Explain how Katherine became Kissin’ Kate Barlow. Katherine becaume Kissin Kate Barlow because after she killed someone she’d kiss them with her red lipstick.

    4. What is Zero’s real name and why is it significant? Zero's real name is Hector Zeroni this name is significant because, he is probably a descendant from Madame Zeroni.

    5. Who returned to Green Lake after twenty years? What had happened? Kissin Kate Barlow returned to green lake after 20 years, and she found a little cabin and lived in it.

    6. When was the last time rain fell on Green Lake?The last time rain fell on Camp Green Lake was when Sam was shot.

    1. Why don’t the other boys approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys? The boys don’t approve of their arrangement because Stanley doesn’t have to dig a full hole every day. I think it’s fair to both boys because Zero gets to learn to read and Stanley doesn't have to dig all day long.

    2. Who else has turquoise-studded boots like Kate Barlow’s. The Warden also had turquoise studded boots like Kissin Kate Barlow.

  4. Chapters 25-28

    1. Describe Sam and Katherine.Sam was negro that sold onions and Katherine was the town's only teacher.

    2. According to Sam, what could onions cure?The onions could cure asthma, warts, pimples, and arthritis.

    3. Explain how Katherine became Kissin’ Kate Barlow.She became kissin’ kate when Sam kissed her and she killed the sheriff.

    4. What is Zero’s real name and why is it significant?Zero's real name is Hector Zeroni and his name is significant because he is Madam Zeroni's great-great-grandmother.

    5. Who returned to Green Lake after twenty years? What had happened?Kissin’ kate returned to Camp Green Lake. She got tied up by Trout Walker and died from a Yellow Spotted Lizard.

    6. When was the last time rain fell on Green Lake?The last time it rained in CAmp Green Lake was when Sam kissed Kate.

    1. Why don’t the other boys approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys?They don’t approve because the white boy has the black boy dig for him. I do think this is fair because they both get a time to learn.
    2. Who else has turquoise-studded boots like Kate Barlow’s?The warden has the boots.

  5. 1. Describe Sam and Katherine. Sam was a onion picker who lived in a shed with a donkey named Mary Lou. He also had his own onion field. Katherine was a pretty school teacher with turquoise studded boots.

    2. According to Sam, what could onions cure? According to Sam onions could cure asthma, warts, pimples, arthritis, and baldness.

    3. Explain how Katherine became Kissin’ Kate Barlow. Katherine became Kissin’ Kate Barlow because three days after Sam died Katherine killed the sheriff while he was drinking coffee. Then she out on red lipstick and gave him the kiss he had asked for. From there on out she was Kissin’ Kate Barlow.

    4. What is Zero’s real name and why is it significant? Zero’s real name is Hector Zeroni. His name is significant because he has the same last name as Madam Zeroni. He many be one of Madam Zeroni’s descendants.

    5. Who returned to Green Lake after twenty years? What had happened? Katherine Barlow returned to Green Lake after 20 years. One day after 3 months of her living in a cabin Trout and Linda Walker kicked the door open and told Katherine that she had 10 seconds to tell him where the treasure was buried. They dragged her out of bed and tied her legs together so he could walk not run. After a while of walking barefoot on the dirt a lizard came and landed on Katherine Barlow’s ankle. It bit her and then she died laughing.

    6. When was the last time rain fell on Green Lake? The last time rain fell on Green Lake was 110 years ago when Sam died.

    1. Why don’t the other boys approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys? The others boys didn’t approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement because they don’t think of it as slavery. I don't think it is fair to both boys.

    2. Who else has turquoise-studded boots like Kate Barlow’s? The warden has turquoise studded boots like Kate Barlow.

  6. 1. Sam was a Negro. He was Also an onion picker and seller. Katherine was a schoolteacher who loved Sam’s poetry. On a rainy day, Katherine went and hugged Mary Lou’s neck and the next thing she new Sam and her were kissing.
    2. According to Sam onions could cure baldness,asthma,warts and pimples, and for arthritis.
    3. Katherine became Kissin’ Kate Barlow because Kissin’ Kate Barlow robbed all the banks from Green Lake to Houston.
    4. Zero’s real name is Hector Zeroni. It is significant because his last name has the word Zero in it.
    5. Katherine or Kissin’ Kate Barlow returned to Green Lake after 20 years as well as Trout Walker and Linda Walker. What happened was that Trout and Linda Walker wanted Katherine or Kissin’ Kate Barlow’s money. They took her outside for her to lead them to it, instead she was bitten by a Yellow-Spotted Lizard and died laughing.
    6. The last time rain fell on Green lake was when Katherine and Sam kissed and when Sam and Katherine both died.
    7. I think it is fair to both of the boys because then Stanley can save his energy to teach Zero. The other boys do not approve Stanley and Zero’s arrangement because they do not think it is fair because Stanley is doing a little work.
    8. Who else had turquoise studded boot is the Warden.

  7. why do the other boys do not approve of Stanley and zero's arrangement.
