Monday, September 14, 2015

Holes 11-14

Chapters 11-14

1.      Where did X-Ray’s nickname come from?

2.      How do the boys at camp feel about Zero?

3.      Explain what Stanley finds in his hole.

4.      How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley?

5.      Describe the Warden.

6.      Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden?

1.      Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this?


  1. 1. Where did X-Ray’s nickname come from?
    It is pig latin for Rex.

    2. How do the boys at camp feel about Zero?
    They felt as if he was always angry.

    3. Explain what Stanley finds in his hole.
    Stanley finds a golden tube with a engravement on it.

    4. How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley?
    By snapping at him and ignoring.

    5. Describe the Warden.
    She has red hair and red fingernails and gets a lot of respect.

    6. Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden?
    He waited because he wanted to get the whole day of and not just one hour.

    1. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this?
    Yes I do agree with this because he needs to be responsible for himself.

  2. X-Ray’s nickname comes from not being able to see the best. The boys at camp feel that Zero is useless and ranks at the very bottom of the line. Stanley finds a gold tube in his hole that has the initials KB marked on it. X-Ray mistreated Stanley because at breakfast he spanned at Stanley because X-Ray did not know what Stanley was talking about. The Warden is a woman that is fiste and has a black cowboy hat with black boots with turquoise rhinestones on them.Her shirt is black withe sleeves rolled up and her fingernails are a dark red. X-Ray waits to show the Warden because he is acting like he has just discovered it in his hole when Stanley had found it. I agree with this because you messed it up on your own and nobody else did it but you. Also that nobody else can fix it but you.

  3. Chapters 11-14

    1. Where did X-Rays nickname come from? X-Ray got his nickname because his name is Rex and X-Ray is pig latin for Rex.

    2. How do the boys at camp feel about Zero? The boys at Camp Green Lake think that Zero isn’t all that bad.

    3. Explain what Stanley finds in his hole. Stanley Yelnats finds a gold tube with an engraving on it that has a heart around it and says K B.

    4. How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley? He mistreats Stanley because he said that he deserves a day off more than Stanley does even though Stanley found the golden tube.

    5. Describe the Warden. The Warden is tall, has red hair, black cowboy hat, black cowboy boots with turquoise rhinestones, and she has freckles.

    6. Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden? X-Ray wanted to show the tube to the Warden so he can get the rest the day off.

    1. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this? I do agree with Mr.Pendanski and I don't at the same time because he didn’t do anything. But for the other boys yes cause they did something juvenile.

  4. 1. Where did X-Ray’s nickname come from?

    X-Rays nickname came from the pig latin word that means rex.

    2. How do the boys at camp feel about Zero?

    If I was a boy at camp I would feel like Zero was there for no reason because he likes to dig holes.

    3. Explain what Stanley finds in his hole.

    Stanley finds a golden tube with a engraved heart that has a KB on it.

    4. How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley?

    I belive X- Ray mistreats stanley by telling him to give whatever interesting thing he finds to him.

    5. Describe the Warden.

    The warden is a tall redheaded woman who is wearing black cowboy boots with turquoise jewels on them, a black cowboy hat, a rolled up shirt , and as freckles all over her arms and face.

    6. Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden?

    If you show something interesting to the warden she will give you the day off if she likes it.

    1. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this?

    I do agree with is because who wants to digs holes and do what they have to do now to build character and then grow up to live the same way.

  5. Chapters 11-14

    1. Where did X-Ray’s nickname come from?X-Ray’s name came from his name, Rex, in Pig Latin.

    2. How do the boys at camp feel about Zero?

    3. Explain what Stanley finds in his hole.Stanley found a long, skinny, gold tube with a heart with K B in it.

    4. How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley?Stanley mistreated X-Ray by annoying him.

    5. Describe the Warden.The warden is a girl with a black cowboy hat, rolled up sleeves, and has freckles.

    6. Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden?He did this so he can get a whole day off.

    1. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this?No I do not agree with this .

  6. Chapters 11-14

    1. Where did X-Ray’s nickname come from?
    X-Ray’s nickname came from him not being able to see anything that hood and that is Rex.

    2. How do the boys at camp feel about Zero?
    They don’t really like him and they act like he is not even there and X-Ray let Stanley go in front of him in the line where they get their canteens get water in them.

    3. Explain what Stanley finds in his hole.
    Stanley finds a gold tube with a flat bottom and a heart with KB.

    4. How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley?
    X-Ray said if Stanley finds anything interesting to give it to him because he has almost been there for a year and has not got a day off and Stanley has been there for like a week and is going to get a day off X-Ray said it is not fair.

    5. Describe the Warden.
    The Warden is a girl she is tall she wore black cowboy hat and black cowboy boots which were studded with turquoise stones. Her nails were dark red.

    6. Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden?
    X-Ray waited to show her the tube because if he showed it to her the day Stanley found it he would only get like one hour of day off and Stanley said for him to wait until next morning to find it so he get the entire day off.

    1. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this
    Yes, I agree with this because if you do something wrong it is not anybody's fault because they did not do it you did you should have to fix it.

  7. Holes 11-14

    The book said that X-Rays name came from a pig latin name (Rex) that's why he has the name X-Ray
    In the book it seems like all the boys their think that Zero is a big fat nothing. He never talks, smiles, laugh, or even talk
    While Stanley was digging his hole, he found a tube the size of his longest finger. It had a carving on it. Their was a heart on it with the letters K B on it. It looked golden but Stanley did not think that it was real golden
    I think that X-Ray mistreats Stanley by, instead of letting Stanley get the day off he makes him give whatever he finds interesting to X-Ray. And he said that he has been their for a year and needs to take a break
    The warden is a girl! She has a black hat with freckles on her arms and face. She has cowboy boots with gem stones on the very top of them

    I don’t agree with him because his grandpa does give them all bad luck and because when the shoes fell out of the sky, Stanley didn’t do anything. But the cops did not agree


  8. 1. Where did X-Ray’s nickname come from?
    X-Ray’s real name is Rex, X-Ray is pig latin for Rex so this is where his nickname comes from.

    2. How do the boys at camp feel about Zero?
    I believe that the boys at camp feel that Zero is always angry and the least important.

    3. Explain what Stanley finds in his hole.
    Stanley finds a gold tube with a heart and the initials KB inside the heart. One end of the tube is open and one end of the tube is closed.

    4. How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley?
    X-Ray mistreated Stanley because when he talked to him he was very rude and mean. I believe this is wrong because Stanley had just given X-Ray the thing that would get him a whole day off.

    5. Describe the Warden.
    The warden is a woman. She wears a black cowboy hat, and black cowboy boots that have turquoise studs on them, she wears her sleeves rolled up, and she is covered in freckles. I believe she seemed mean, she is definitely one person I wouldn’t want to mess with.

    6. Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden?
    X-Ray waited to show the tube to the warden because he wanted a whole day off rather than just an hour or two.

    1. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this?
    No, I don’t agree with this because the crime that Stanley supposeably committed wasn’t his fault. I believe that if Stanley would have known that he would be punished for what he did I don’t think he would have done it.


  9. 1. Where did X-Ray’s nickname come from?
    X-Ray’s real name is Rex, X-Ray is pig latin for Rex so this is where his nickname comes from.

    2. How do the boys at camp feel about Zero?
    I believe that the boys at camp feel that Zero is always angry and the least important.

    3. Explain what Stanley finds in his hole.
    Stanley finds a gold tube with a heart and the initials KB inside the heart. One end of the tube is open and one end of the tube is closed.

    4. How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley?
    X-Ray mistreated Stanley because when he talked to him he was very rude and mean. I believe this is wrong because Stanley had just given X-Ray the thing that would get him a whole day off.

    5. Describe the Warden.
    The warden is a woman. She wears a black cowboy hat, and black cowboy boots that have turquoise studs on them, she wears her sleeves rolled up, and she is covered in freckles. I believe she seemed mean, she is definitely one person I wouldn’t want to mess with.

    6. Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden?
    X-Ray waited to show the tube to the warden because he wanted a whole day off rather than just an hour or two.

    1. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this?
    No, I don’t agree with this because the crime that Stanley supposeably committed wasn’t his fault. I believe that if Stanley would have known that he would be punished for what he did I don’t think he would have done it.

  10. 1. Where did X-Ray’s nickname come from?
    X-Ray’s got his nickname from the latin word for Rex
    2. How do the boys at camp feel about Zero?
    The boys at camp felt that Zero is small and not cool.
    3. Explain what Stanley finds in his hole.
    Stanley finds a gold tube that has kb on it.
    4. How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley?
    X-Ray mistreats Stanley by snapping at him and ignoring Stanley.
    5. Describe the Warden.
    The Warden s tall, has red hair, and has
    6. Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden?
    X-Ray waited so he could get the whole day off instead of the one hour
    1. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this?
    Yes I agree because you are responsible for yourself.

  11. what is the sentence in infamous in the book
