Monday, September 14, 2015

Holes 8-10

Chapters 8-10

1.      How does Stanley almost get in a fight?

2.      What does Stanley write to his mother about?

3.      Who is Caveman?

4.      What does Stanley find after digging his first hole?

5.      Explain the yellow-spotted lizards.

1.      Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order?


  1. 1. How does Stanley almost get in a fight?
    Stanley was tired and he tripped over a lump’s stretched out leg.

    2. What does Stanley write to his mother about?
    Stanley tells his mother in the letter that today was his first day at camp and that he was on the lake all day and he is tired and that if he passes the swimming test he will graduate to water skiing.

    3. Who is Caveman?
    Caveman is Stanley.

    4. What does Stanley find after digging his first hole?
    Stanley finds a fossil of some fish in his second whole.

    5. Explain the yellow-spotted lizards.
    Yellow-spotted lizards are a yellowish green color, and they have exactly 11 yellow spots on them, they have black teeth, and white tongue.

    1. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order?
    I think that the order is who was there first and who is more powerful. X-ray is more powerful and he is in the front.

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  3. Chapters 8-10

    1. How does Stanley almost get in a fight?Stanley almost got in a fight because he bumped into a guy’s leg.

    2. What does Stanley write to his mother about?He wrote that he went swimming and was going to water ski.

    3. Who is Caveman?The Caveman is Stanley.

    4. What does Stanley find after digging his second hole?Stanley found a fossil.

    5. Explain the yellow-spotted lizards.Yellow-spotted lizard has red outlined eyes, tiny yellow spots, black teeth, and a milky white tongue.

    1. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance order?The boys always line like this because they have to. The significance to this is that stanley is last.

  4. 1. How does Stanley almost get in a fight?
    By bumping into “the lump” in the wreck room.

    2. What does Stanley write to his mother about?
    Stanley writes to his mom about swimming lessons and water skis.

    3. Who is Caveman?
    Although he doesn’t know it, Stanley is the caveman.

    4. What does Stanley find after digging his second hole?
    Stanley finds a fossil of a fish in his second hole.

    5. Explain the yellow-spotted lizards.
    Eyes are yellow with red skin around them, black teeth and a milky white tongue.

    1. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order?
    The line order goes from most important to least important.

  5. 1. Stanley almost gets in a fight because he trips over an outstretched leg.
    2. Stanley wrote how he has made some friends and said once I pass the swimming test they are going to teach him how to water ski.
    3. Caveman is Stanley.
    4. Stanley finds a little fishy fossil.
    5. The yellow-spotted lizard is a yellowish greenish lizard with yellow spots, it has black teeth, white tongue, and red eyes. One bite and you are dead.
    1. I think it signifies the order that they came to the camp.

  6. 1. How does Stanley almost get in a fight?
    Stanley almost gets in a fight by tripping over someone's stretched leg in the wreck room.
    2. What does Stanley write to his mother about?
    Stanley writes to his mother about Camp Green Lake. He says that he swims in a lake everyday and that he has to pass his swimming test. Once he passes his swimming test, he’ll get to learn how to water-ski.
    3. Who is Caveman?
    The Caveman is Stanley.
    4. What does Stanley find after digging his first hole?
    After digging his second hole, Stanley finds a little rock.The little rock was a fish from the lake that use to be there.
    5. Explain the yellow-spotted lizards.
    The yellow-spotted lizard has a yellow-green body. Each lizard has eleven yellow spots, it’s body is six to ten inches long, has big red-yellow eyes, they have black teeth and a milky white tongue. They also have very strong and powerful legs to leap out of very deep holes to attack their prey. They eat small animals, insects, certain cactus thorns, and shells of sunflower seed. They also live in holes for shade and protection of predatory birds.
    1. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order?
    I believe that they always line up in the same order to collect water because it’s the order of who got there first. For example, first is X-Ray. I believe X-Ray is the first person to get there at Camp Green Lake. Then Armpit, Squid, ZigZag, Magnet and Zero. This is why I believe this is the significance of the order and why they always line up in the same order.

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  8. 1. How does Stanley almost get in a fight? Stanley almost got in a fight is because he tripped over the lumps leg. When Stanley fell the lump told Stanley to watch it. Then Stanley said,” You watch it.” and the lump heard Stanley say something and asked him what he had said.

    2. What does Stanley write to his mother about? Stanley writes to his mother that he and his friends had been out on the lake all day and that after he passes his swimming test he can learn how to water ski.him.

    3. Who is Caveman? Stanley is Caveman. This is his nickname.

    4. What does Stanley find after digging his first hole? After digging his first hole Stanley finds out that digging the second hole is the hardest. It's the hardest because when you wake up you are very sore. He also find a fish fossil.

    5. Explain the yellow-spotted lizards. The yellow spotted lizards have 11 yellow spots and it has a yellow-green body. It is 6 to 10 inches long, has black teeth, and a yellow tongue. It also has red eyes. The yellow spots that are on the lizard are hard to see.

    1. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order? The boys line up in the same order because they do it by rank. The significance of this order is that X-Ray is always first then Armpit, Zigzag, Squid, Magnet, Zero, and then finally Stanley. Also by who got to Camp Green Lake first.


  9. 1. How does Stanley almost get in a fight? Stanley runs in to caveman and caveman gets in his face.

    2. What does Stanley write to his mother about? It was his first day and tomorrow he’s going to learn how to water ski.

    3. Who is Caveman? Caveman is Stanley.

    4. What does Stanley find after digging his first hole? Stanley finds and fossil of a fish.

    5. Explain the yellow-spotted lizards. The yellow spotted lizard is yellow-green body with 11 yellow spots and red ies but yellow with red outlining,six to ten inches long as black teeth and a white tung.

    1. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order? The boys always line up in the same order for water because like who got to the camp first.


  10. 1. How does Stanley almost get in a fight? Stanley runs in to caveman and caveman gets in his face.

    2. What does Stanley write to his mother about? It was his first day and tomorrow he’s going to learn how to water ski.

    3. Who is Caveman? Caveman is Stanley.

    4. What does Stanley find after digging his first hole? Stanley finds and fossil of a fish.

    5. Explain the yellow-spotted lizards. The yellow spotted lizard is yellow-green body with 11 yellow spots and red ies but yellow with red outlining,six to ten inches long as black teeth and a white tung.

    1. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order? The boys always line up in the same order for water because like who got to the camp first.

  11. 1. How does Stanley almost get in a fight?
    Stanley almost gets in a fight because when they were in the wreck room he tripped over somebody’s leg an orange lump, as Stanley called it, and the orange lump told Stanley to watch it. Stanley murmured under his breath and said, “You watch it.” The orange lump heard Stanley and this almost led to a fight.

    2. What does Stanley write to his mother about?
    Stanley writes to his mother about camp. He says that he already has friends and that once he passes the swimming test he’ll learn how to water-ski. The part about swimming and water-skiing is not true because there is no lake.

    3. Who is Caveman?
    Caveman is Stanley’s new nickname so Stanley is Caveman.

    4. What does Stanley find after digging his second hole?
    Stanley finds a fossil of a fish after digging his second hole.

    5. Explain the yellow-spotted lizards.
    All yellow-spotted lizards have exactly 11 spots, black teeth, a white tongue, and yellow eyes but most people call their eyes red. If you get bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard you will die.

    1. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order?
    The boys always line up in the same order. The order goes X-Ray, Armpit, Squid, Zig-Zag, Magnet, Zero, and then Stanley or Caveman. The order goes from the most important guy in the group down to the least important guy in the group.

  12. Stanley almost gets in a fight because The Lump says watch it and the Stanley says you watch it and then The Lump demanded what Stanley had said and Stanley said “I am not looking for trouble,I am just tired, that's all.” Stanley writes to his mother about he has already made friends, that they have been out on a lake all day,that once he has passed the swimming test he will learn how to water-ski, and that he is tried. The Caveman is Stanley. Stanley finds a fish fossil after digging his second hole. The yellow-spotted lizard has exactly 11 spots and they are hard to see the spots because of their yellow-green body. The yellow spotted lizard is six to ten inches long and has big red eyes. The eyes are yellow but the skin around the eyes is red. It has black teeth and a milky white tongue. The boys always line up in the same order because when the line up it is where they rank at in the group. In the front is X-Ray,Armpit, Squid, ZigZag, Magnet, Zero, and then Stanley.

  13. 1. How does Stanley almost get in a fight?
    Stanley almost got in fight because he trips over someone's foot and they said watch it to him.

    2. What does Stanley write to his mother about?
    Stanley writes to his mother about how once passes the swimming test he’ll learn how water-ski.

    3. Who is Caveman?
    Caveman is Stanley.

    4. What does Stanley find after digging his second hole?
    After Stanley dug his second hole he finds a fossil on the ground.

    5. Explain the yellow-spotted lizards.
    The yellow-spotted lizard has its name because it has 11 yellow spots on it, but the spots are hard to see because of their yellow-green body. The lizard is 6-10 inches long, has red eyes, black teeth, and a milky white tongue.

    1. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order?
    I think that the boys always line up in the same order because they line up in the order that they are ranked. For example, X-Ray is first because he is the leader.

  14. Chapters 8-10

    1. How does Stanley almost get in a fight?
    Stanley almost gots because he tripped over outstretched legs.

    2. What does Stanley write to his mother about?
    Stanley was telling his mom that it was first day and that he made some friends and if he passes his swimming test they are going to teach him to water-ski

    3. Who is Caveman?
    Stanley is the caveman

    4. What does Stanley find after digging his second hole?
    Stanley finds a rock with a fish fossil on the back.

    5. Explain the yellow-spotted lizards.
    The yellow spotted lizard is from six to ten inches long and has big red eyes. Its eyes are yellow, and it is the skin around the eyes that is red. It also has black teeth and a milky white tongue.

    1. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order?
    They always line up in the same order because who ever got there the order was still X-Ray, Armpit, Squid, Zigzag, Magnet, Zero, and Stanley. X-RAy is in the front because he is the leader so don’t mess with him.

  15. The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.The boys line up in the same order because it is an order of trust and loyalty. The boys line up in the same order for water with X-ray in the front and Zero in the back. The significance of the order is the fact that it is the order of “trust” or “loyalty” because X-ray is obviously the leader he is in the front.vv
