Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Holes Chapters 36-38

Chapters 36-38

1.     What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake?

2.     According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name?

3.     What scares Stanley most about dying?

4.     Explain the gully at the top of the mountain.

1.     Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?

2.     What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero?


  1. Chapters 36-38

    1. What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake?First he took off his shoes. Second he took off his socks.

    2. According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name?It probably got its name from a pretty girl named Mary Luo.

    3. What scares Stanley most about dying?The thing that most scares Stanley is that his parents would never know if he was alive or dead.

    4. Explain the gully at the top of the mountain.The gully was full of mud and mud needed water.

    1. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?He does because Hector is about to die.

    2. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero?Stanley learns that he is caring and is going to help Zero. He also learned that Zero is dieing from the inside.

    1. It "Stanley learns that he has gotten stronger,and that Zero stole Clyde Livingston's shoes."

    2. aight bet, I see your from 2020 as well

    3. enjoy 2016, it's as good as it gets

  2. 1. What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake?
    Because he is not at the camp no more and zero knows.

    2. According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name?
    Because someone must of liked mary lou to name their boat that.

    3. What scares Stanley most about dying?
    That his parents will worry a lot about him.

    4. Explain the gully at the top of the mountain.
    It's filled with with mud and mud is made out of water so there's water somewhere.

    1. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?
    Because Hector is his real name and he really is not a Zero.

    2. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero?
    He learns that Zero is very smart and funny and stanley is telling jokes all the time.

  3. 1. What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake?
    Barfbag might have stepped on a rattlesnake to get out of the camp.

    2. According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name?
    The boat got it’s name because someone loved someone so much that they named a boat after them.

    3. What scares Stanley most about dying?
    The fact that it will be long and miserable.

    4. Explain the gully at the top of the mountain.
    The gully was a really deep mud hole with water at the bottom.

    1. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?
    He calls him Hector because his real name is Hector Zeroni.

    2. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero?
    He realized that they could not have done this before they came to camp green lake.

  4. 1. What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake?

    Zero said that barf bag stepped on a rattlesnake. he said he took of his shoe and sock first.

    2. According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name?

    Somebody loved a woman named mary lou very much and named his boat after her.

    3. What scares Stanley most about dying?

    His pain would be relieved if he died, but his parents pain would never stop.

    4. Explain the gully at the top of the mountain.

    Stanley fell into a muddy gully at the top of a mountain, he dug a deep hole in it and found water so he splashed it on Zeros face, then when he was digging he found a onion.

    1. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?

    Mabe Zero will respond if he hears his real name.

    2. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero?

    Stanley learns that he is capable of more than he thinks he is. He learns that Zero works better with another person and he just needs a friend.


  5. 1. What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake? Because he wanted to leave Camp Green lake

    2. According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name? There was a lady named Mary lou

    3. What scares Stanley most about dying? No one will find out

    4. Explain the gully at the top of the mountain. There is water mud and onion

    1. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector? To get his energy up

    2. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? There is water What does he learn about Zero? He never gives up

  6. 1. All the boys are witnesses and they saw it happen.

    2. A beautiful girl had an admirer and they name a boat after her.

    3. Stanley is scares that if he dies his parents will be depressed and they won't know where he is.

    4. There is a huge rock there is a muddy little farm area where there is water.

    1. Because he wants to show Hector that he cares about him.

    2. He learns that he wouldn't have been able to do it if he hadn't came to camp. He learns that Hector is a strong and smart boy.

  7. Chapters 36-38

    1. What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake? The evidence that BarfBag purposely stepped on the snake is because he took off hiss shoe and sock off first.

    2. According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name? According to Zero the boat got it’s name because someone loved a girl named Mary Lou.

    3. What scares Stanley most about dying? What scares Stanley the most about dying is that what will happen to his parents, and who will bury him.

    4. Explain the gully at the top of the mountain. At the top of the mountain there is weeds, bugs, mud, water , and a stone thumb.

    1. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector? I think he suddenly calls Zeo Hector because he thinks Zero is not unworthy Zero .

    2. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero? He learns that Zero is learning more words.

  8. 1. Evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake because Zero had watch Barfbag do it.

    2. According to Zero he thinks that the boat probably got it’s name having a beautiful girl in a lovely bathing suit on a boat while her boyfriend rowed it.

    3. What scares Stanley most about dying is that the Warden will not know about it so she could not contact his parents. Also that his parents would be living on false hope that their boy would not return on the date that he was supposed to.

    4. The gully at the top of the mountain was that there ws mud and mud is made up of water so Stanley dug in the mud and found water.

    5. Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector because he thinks that Zero is not responding to Zero no more, he wants to be called Hector his real name.

    6. Stanley learns about himself as they climb the mountain by knowing his strength because he is carrying Zero and climbing a mountain. Stanley learns about Zero by knowing he wants a fudge sundae when he gets to the “Italian Restaurant.”

  9. 1. What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake? The evidence that Barfbag may have stepped on a rattlesnake on purpose is because Zero said that he took off his shoe and then his sock. After he took those off he stepped on it.

    2. According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name? According to Zero the boat probably got it’s name because someone must have loved her a lot to put her name on the boat.

    3. What scares Stanley most about dying? The thing that scares Stanley the most about dieing is that his family won’t know what happened to him. If he was dead or alive. He also didn’t want his family to live on false hope not knowing what had happened to him.

    4. Explain the gully at the top of the mountain. The gully at the top of the mountain is filled with mud. When you dig down you can find water. The gully also has onions in it.

    1. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector? I think that Stanley suddenly call Zero Hector because Hector is his real name. He may have even called him Hector because he wanted to get to Big Thumb fast.

    2. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero? Stanley learns that he wouldn't have been able to climb the mountain like he was climbing it now. He also learns that Zero is strong. He learns this because Zero pulled Stanley up to the ledge.

  10. 1. What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake?
    The evidence of Barfbag possibly stepping on a rattlesnake on purpose is that he took of his shoes and socks before stepping on the rattlesnake.

    2. According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name?
    According to Zero the boat probably got its name from a very pretty girl named Mary Lou.

    3. What scares Stanley most about dying?
    Stanley’s biggest fear of dying is that his parents won’t know if he is dead or alive and if he is dead they won’t know how he died.

    4. Explain the gully at the top of the mountain.
    The gully is full of mud and to make mud you need water, so Stanley started digging looking to find water near the gully and when he found it he gave some to Zero and drank some himself. He also found an onion near the gully.

    1. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?
    I think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector because he wasn’t responding to him so he got scared that he might be dieing and possibly thought that Zero would respond if he was called by his real name.
    2. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero?
    Stanley learns that if it wouldn’t have been for Zero he wouldn’t have been able to do it because every time he wanted to stop he thought “if Zero can do it, I can do it. Stanley learned that Zero doesn’t give up if there is something that he really wants.

  11. Chapters 36-38

    1. What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake?
    Barfbag drank more than Zero of sploosh then every time Barfbag drank sploosh, he would throw up.

    2. According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name?
    Zero said,” Somebody must have loved her a lot, to make a boat after her

    3. What scares Stanley most about dying?
    Stanley thinks that no one will dig a grave for him.

    4. Explain the gully at the top of the mountain.
    The gully was a muddy ditch at first, then Stanley dug some more to get more water.

    1. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?
    When Zero passed out, Stanley tried calling him his real name Because Stanley thought Zero was getting irritated by being called “Zero”
    2. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero?

  12. Holes 36-38

    Barf bag could have stepped on the rattlesnake on purpose because he wanted to get out of Camp Green Lake and to not dig holes anymore
    Zero was saying that the boat probably got that name by, when that girl was with a man and that the man put her name on the side of the boat
    What scared Stanley most about dying was that who was doing to dig the grave for him
    The Gully was dry and had weeds all over the place with bugs flying in the air

    Stanley probably calls Zero Hector now because he wants to call Zero by his real name. Stanley does not think that Zero is a Zero
    Stanley learns that Zero is more than what he realized and whatever one just said about him. And Stanley learns that he is more stronger and has been able to do more then what he was able tos do when he came their

  13. 1. What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake?
    First barfbag took off his shoe than his sock and stepped on the snake.
    2. According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name?
    The boat got its name from a pretty girl named Marylou.
    3. What scares Stanley most about dying?
    Stanley was not scared about dying he is worried about his parents not knowing what happen to him.
    4. Explain the gully at the top of the mountain.
    The gully is mud and you need water to make mud so there is water somewhere.
    1. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?
    Stanley called Zero Hector because to make zero think he is worth it.
    2. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero?
    Stanley learns that he can help Zero. Zero works better with a Friends.

  14. Chapters 36-38

    1. What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake?
    The evidence that Barfbag stepped on the rattlesnake is that he did it on purpose, Zero says that Barfbag took off his sock and shoe.

    2. According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name?
    According to Zero, the boat probably got its name from a lady named Mary Lou and he says that she must have been beautiful and someone must have loved her very much, so she could get her name on a boat.

    3. What scares Stanley most about dying?
    What scares Stanley the most about dying, is that his parents not finding out about what happened to him, and he is scared that his parents won’t know if he was dead or alive.

    4. Explain the gully at the top of the mountain.
    The gully at the top of the mountain is covered up with mud but Stanley figures out that you need water to make mud, so he starts to dig and he finds water, he also finds an onion that is deeper in the mud.

    1. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?
    I think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector because he wants to start encouraging him so Zero could start boosting up on his self esteem.

    2. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain?
    Stanley learns that he becomes more stronger the rest of the way. What does he learn about Zero? He learns that Zero doesn't give up because he keeps falling down because his stomach hurts, but he still gets up.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Thank you for the answers you little fucker

  17. what the fuck how does stanley die from thirst
