Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bridge to Terabithia Chapter 1-2

Bridge to Terabithia:  Chapter 1 Questions
1.  Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal?
2.  Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does?
3.  How did foot racing become the boys’ main recess activity?
4.  Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family.

Bridge to Terabithia:  Chapter 2 Questions
1.  Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home.  Why does he feel this way?
2.  What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing?  What is his favorite theme?
3.  How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying?
4.  Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't.  Why not?


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  2. Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 1 Questions
    1. Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal? He wants to be the fastest kid in fifth grade so he can win foot races.
    He prepares by running every morning.
    2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does?
    He tolerates her because she is Jesse’s favorite.
    3. How did foot racing become the boy's’ main recess activity?
    It develops as a game because they have no recess equipment.
    4. Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family.
    I think they are all hardworking except for the little girls.

    Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 2 Questions
    1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way?
    He feels this way because he does a lot of running and when he gets home he has to do more chores.
    2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme?
    His favorite theme is exotic animals.
    3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying?
    By giving her the last bite of his peanut butter sandwich.
    4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not?
    His dad does not like the fact that he wants to become an artist.

  3. Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 1 Questions
    1. Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal? He felt that he was going to be the fastest kid because he was in 3rd 4th and 5th grade. He got ready for this by running all summer.
    2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does?He does because she worships him.
    3. How did foot racing become the boy's main recess activity? It did because the girls got the top half and boys got bottem.
    4. Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family.May bell: worshiper, Jesse: worker, Joyce Ann: baby, Ellie: brat, Brenda: whinney.

    Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 2 Questions
    1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way? He feels this way because he has to do all the chores.
    2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme?His favorite subject is animals. His theme is crazy animals.
    3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying? He does by stuffing his last piece of pb and j sandwich.
    4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not? He doesn’t want to because his dad asked” what are they teaching at school these days?”

  4. Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 1 Questions
    1. Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal? Jesse feels he has to be the fastest kid in the fifth grade because he wants to be known as the fastest not second fastest the fastest. He prepares for this goal by running every single morning when he hears his dad's pickup truck.
    2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does? Jesse tolerates May Belle the way he does because it’s nice to have someone appreciate him in a house full of whiney girls.
    3. How did foot racing become the boy's’ main recess activity? Foot racing became Jesse’s main recess activity because the bigger kids take all their play toys such as basketballs, so running became his main activity.
    4. Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family. Jesse is a sweet boy with an imagination, May Belle is a sweet little girl that is very obedient, Ellie & Brenda are both whiney little brats, JOyce Ann is still young and doesn’t know right from wrong, momma and dad are both stressed out parents that have a lot to do so take it out on Jesse.

    Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 2 Questions
    1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way? Jesse doesn’t feel appreciated at home because the girls can whine and get what they want like they did when they wanted to go shopping, and Jesse had to stay at home and work with momma.
    2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme? Jesse’s favorite subject for drawing is animals but not ordinary animal one with unfixable problems. His favorite theme is a hippopotamus with balloons and a but where the face should be and a caption saying oh I forgot my glasses.
    3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying? Jesse quiets Joyce Anne when she is crying by shoving food in her mouth.
    4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not? Jesse’s dad doesn’t want Jesse to show his work because he thinks it’s wasteful.

  5. 1. Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal?
    He wants to be the fastest kid because once he won a race at school and wants to be the fastest so what he does is gets up every day and run.
    2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does?
    May Belle will worships him every now and then and Jesse likes it like that.
    3. How did foot racing become the boy's’ main recess activity?
    Because it was the only thing he had to do because everyone else hoged the balls and made groups all around the recess field so the only place left was foot racing.
    4. Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family.
    If i was to meet them i would greet them a hello and nice house i would respect them and follow their rules.

    Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 2 Questions
    1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way?
    Because all the girls go out to go have fun and he's the only one doing work in the hot sun then comes back in the house while the others are having a good time.
    2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme?
    His favorite theme is to draw animals that are not like animals they are a weird type of animal.
    3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying?
    He shoves a peanut butter sandwich in her mouth.
    4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not?
    Because last time he said he wants to be a artist when he grows up and his dad said “What are they teaching these kids in school”.

  6. 1. Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare. for this goal?To fun every day and work hard.
    2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does? Because she's the baby sister
    3. How did foot racing become the boys’ main recess activity? All the kids wanted to be the fasted kind in the grade
    4. Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family. If i would meet them i would talk to them ask them what there names are and say nice to meet you

    Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 2 Questions
    1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way? Because the girl get her way and gets hugs and he doesn't
    2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme? Drawing crazy animals
    3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying? Makes a sandwich for her
    4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not? Because in second grade he showed his dad and his dad said what kind of work are they teaching you


  7. Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 1 Questions

    1. Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal?

    Jesse feels that if he is the fastest kid in fifth grade his dad will be proud of him. He prepares to meet that goal by running in the cow field every morning.

    2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does?

    May Belle practically worships Jesse.

    3. How did foot racing become the boy's’ main recess activity?

    The girls took a spot for talking and hop-scotch, the older boys took the feild for ball games, and the younger boys had a little area perfect to run in.

    4. Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family.

    The dad is a busy and tired man, the mom is a stressed house mom, the first two girls(the oldest) are divas, Jesse is a racer and really good at drawing, the littler two
    girls are the spoiled babies.

    Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 2 Questions

    1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way?

    The two oldest are always getting out of work, and the littler two are too little.

    2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme?

    Jesse likes to draw animals with unfixable problems.

    3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying?

    Jesse stuffs a sandwich in the baby's mouth.

    4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not?

    Jesse’s dad does not support the fact that he likes to draw.

  8. 1. He wants to feel victory.
    2. She worships him.
    3. the older grades take the middle area and all the sports balls.
    4. His mom is lazy, his dad doesn't appreciate his only son, his two older sisters are used to getting what they want, Aaron is a hard worker, and May Belle is caring.

    1. His older sisters are rude to him, his dad doesn't appreciate him, his mom makes him do all the chores, and his little sister May Belle is annoying to him.
    2. Wild animals.
    3. He puts a piece of food in her mouth.
    4. Because his dad doesn't like the whole art thing.

  9. Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 1 Questions
    1. Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal?
    He prepares by running around the cowfield.
    2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does?
    Because they have more of a bond.
    3. How did foot racing become the boys’ main recess activity?
    Because the girls get the top layer and the boys get the bottom layer
    4. Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family.
    Jesse is a runner
    Brenda is a whiner
    May Belle is curious.
    Ellie is shopperous.
    Dad is hard working.
    Mom is sassy.
    Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 2 Questions
    1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way?
    Because Ellie and Brenda leave Mom, Dad, and Jess working.
    2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme?
    He draws creative animals.
    3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying?
    By stuffing his sandwich in her mouth
    4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not?
    Because he gets mad at the school for making him do art.

  10. Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 1 Questions
    1. Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal? He feels like he has to be the fastest kid because last year they called him drawing boy and stuff. And when he beat everyone else that one day, they stopped calling him that. So than if he can be the fastest then they won't make fun of him any more. He prepares it by running every day.
    2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does? Jesse does that because to him she is so annoying and he tries to get rid of her.
    3. How did foot racing become the boy's’ main recess activity? It became their recess activity because all the girls are on the top where they do their girly things. And the older boys and playing soccer and other things like that. So they wanted to make a racing game for them.
    4. Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family. Jesse: Worker and runner. May Belle: Does nothing Dad: Always mad Mom: Worker. To Sisters: work sometimes.

    Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 2 Questions
    1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way? Jesse feels this way because his dad instead of giving him a hug and stuff. He just says other things like “A bit late from milking the cow?” And his mom always yells at him. Whenever their dad comes home Jesse can here them all laughing while he’s working outside.
    2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme? His favorite thing to draw is weird animals. His favorite theme is making a lot of weird things to it.
    3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying? He stops her by crying by putting the rest of his sandwich in her mouth.
    4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not? Jesse does not show the artwork to his dad because last time his dad got mad and did not like him drawing or becoming an artist.

  11. Chapter 1 Questions
    1. Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal? Jesse feels that he has to be the fast because he had won one time last year and liked the pride of winning. He prepares for it all summer and runs around the cow field every morning.
    2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does? Jesse tolerates May Bella because she looks up to him.
    3. How did foot racing become the boy's’ main recess activity? Foot racing became the boy’s thing because they have no other space on the field.
    4. Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family. I think that Ellie and Brenda are brats because they try and get out of work. May Belle is a nice little girl. Momma get mad a lot. Dad is gone a lot.
    Chapter 2 Questions
    1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way? Jesse feels that he is not appreciated because he has to do all the work.
    2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme? Jesse likes to draw animals not just regular animals but crazy animal with problems.
    3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying? Jesse puts a piece of his sandwich in her mouth.
    4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not? Jesse does not show his drawing because when he was in first grade he told his dad that he wanted to be artist and his dad did not like that.

  12. . Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal? Jesse feels that he needs to be the fastest runner in 5th grade because he didn’t want to be next to the fastest. He wanted to be the best. To prepare himself he wakes up early every morning in summer and goes running around the cow field. When he gets tired he doesn’t stop. He keeps going.
    2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does? Jesse tolerates May Belle as he does because she worships him sometimes.
    3. How did foot racing become the boy's’ main recess activity? Foot racing became the boy's main recess activity because the girls have the top half of the field and the older boys had the had the dry center of the field. So the boy’s made up a running game to see who was the fastest. Also because their school didn’t have a lot of equipment.
    4. Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family. I think that Brenda and Ellie are little brats, Joyce Anner is just a baby and she doesn’t know many things, momma and poppa are just really stressed out because their family isn’t very rich and they have to work hard. They probably want their kids to have a good life which may be why their stressed out.

    Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 2 Questions
    1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way? Jesse feels that he isn’t appreciated at home because he’s the only boy and has to do all the work. The girls just whine and get out of doing work. Jesse has to do their chores.
    2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme? Jesse’s favorite subject for drawing is animals. Not regular animals. Crazy animals that had problems.
    3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying? Jesse quiets Joyce Anne when she is crying by sticking a peanutbutter sandwich in her mouth.
    4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not? Jesse doesn’t show his artwork to his dad because 4 years ago when he did show his dad he said,” What are they teaching you that damn school.” His dad also thinks that art is a waste of time.

  13. 1. Why does Jesse feel that he has to be “the fastest kid in the fifth grade”? How does he prepare for this goal?
    Jesse feels he has to be the fastest kid in fifth grade because the only thing they do at recess is foot races, therefore, he wants to be the winner in the activity they do everyday. Jesse prepares for this by getting up and running every morning when he hears his dad’s pickup truck.
    2. Why does Jesse tolerate May Belle as much as he does?
    He tolerates her as much as he does because she is the only one that really admires him.

    3. How did foot racing become the boys’ main recess activity?
    Foot racing became the boys’ main recess activity because all of the older kids got the equipment, so the younger ones never had anything to play with.

    4. Give your first impressions of each member of the Aarons family.
    My first impression on Ellie, Brenda, and Joyce Anne is that they are spoiled and can be brats sometimes. My first impression on Jess is that he is hardworking, committed, and determined. As for mama and papa I believe they seem pretty strict.

    Bridge to Terabithia: Chapter 2 Questions
    1. Jesse feels that he isn't appreciated at home. Why does he feel this way?
    Jesse feels that he is not appreciated at home because he has to do almost all of the chores when his sisters don’t have to do anything, but they still get to go shopping and have fun. When he does his chores he doesn’t get any rewards, unlike his sisters, which is another reason he doesn’t feel appreciated at home.
    2. What is Jesse's favorite subject for drawing? What is his favorite theme?
    Jesse likes to draw animals, but he likes to draw animals with unfixable problems. In other words, he likes to use his imagination to draw fake animals.
    3. How does Jesse quiet Joyce Anne when she is crying?
    Jesse quiets Joyce Anne when she is crying by giving her his last bite of peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
    4. Jesse would like to show his artwork to his dad but doesn't. Why not?
    Jesse doesn’t show his artwork to his dad because his dad believes it is a waste of time and doesn’t think it should be what he is focusing on when he could be doing something else.
