Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Red Pyramid Chapters 13-14

Chapter 13
  1. What special powers do you think Carter and Sadie have? Why?
  2. Would you have liked to go underground where the Kane’s went? Why or why not?
  3. Predict what will happen with Chief Lector.

Chapter 14
  1. Which time period in the Hall of Ages would you like to visit? Why?
  2. Where do you think Amos is? Why?
  3. What do you think the tests will be like?


  1. Chapter 13
    What special powers do you think Carter and Sadie have? Why?
    To move things around.
    Would you have liked to go underground where the Kane’s went? Why or why not?
    No i would not like to go underground where the Kane’s went because it is hard to breath ETC
    Predict what will happen with Chief Lector.
    Chief Lector will retire soon after he finishes his needs.

    Chapter 14
    Which time period in the Hall of Ages would you like to visit? Why?
    I would like to visit the new age of the hall of ages to see what's going on with egypt.
    Where do you think Amos is? Why?
    I think he is in the Duat.
    What do you think the tests will be like?
    If they can do tests.

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  2. Chapter 13
    What special powers do you think Carter and Sadie have? Why?
    I think that Sadie has the power to speak and read ancient egypt because she can process the words people say in egypt and she can read hieroglyphs. Carter I think has the power to recognize place and what they are because he recognized the Old,Middle, and New Kingdom.

    Would you have liked to go underground where the Kane’s went? Why or why not?
    I would like to have gone to the underground where the Kan’s went because it would be cool to see what it was like in ancient egypt and the Old,Middle, and New Kingdom’s.

    Predict what will happen with Chief Lector.
    I predict what will happen with Chief Lector that Carter and Sadie will pass and move on to the next step of the training.

    Chapter 14
    Which time period in the Hall of Ages would you like to visit? Why?
    I would like to visit the Old Kingdom time period. I would like to visit the Old Kingdom because after that everything was a chain reaction. Everything starts with the Old Kingdom and the rest is as expected.
    Where do you think Amos is? Why?
    I think Amos is trying to find Set in Denver because before he left the House of Life he said he was going to try and find Set.
    What do you think the tests will be like?
    I think the test is not hard but can be tricky. If Sadie and Carter can concentrate they will be fine and it will be a breeze for them.

  3. Chapter 13
    What special powers do you think Carter and Sadie have? Why?
    I think catie and charter will have pharo like powers because their name was in the blood of the pharos.
    Would you have liked to go underground where the Kane’s went? Why or why not?
    I would not have liked to go underground where the kanes went because like charter I feel like the air is being sucked out of me when I am underground.
    Predict what will happen with Chief Lector.

    Chapter 14
    Which time period in the Hall of Ages would you like to visit? Why?
    I would like to visit the age of the gods because it seems interesting to see the gods and see what happened then.
    Where do you think Amos is? Why?
    I think that set imprisoned amos too because set is most powerful this time of the year.
    What do you think the tests will be like?
    I think that the tests will be challenging for charter and sadie because they have had no training or lessons yet.
