Thursday, September 24, 2015

Holes Ch. 39-42

Chapters 39-42

1.      Explain what Zero confesses to Stanley.

2.      Why did Hattie Parker blush when Mrs. Tennyson mentioned that her daughter had almost died from eating some bad meat?

3.      Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole?

4.      Why did Zero fill the bottom of their hole with rocks?

5.      Explain how the shoes had managed to fall on Stanley’s head at the beginning of the story.

1.      Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes?

2.      Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Holes Chapters 36-38

Chapters 36-38

1.     What evidence is there that Barfbag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake?

2.     According to Zero, how did the boat probably get its name?

3.     What scares Stanley most about dying?

4.     Explain the gully at the top of the mountain.

1.     Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?

2.     What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Holes Chapter 32-35

Chapters 32-35

1.      Why was new boy (Brian) given the nickname, Twitch?

2.      Explain what happens to allow Stanley to escape.

3.      Why did Stanley think he might have to return to camp?

4.      Describe what Stanley found while walking across the wasteland.

5.      What is different about the most distant holes?

6.      Explain Sploosh.

1.      When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?
2.      Thinking about Zero, “what worried [Stanley] the most . . . was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?

Monday, September 21, 2015

Holes 29-31

Chapters 29-31

1.      What does the lightening reveal to Stanley?

2.      Explain how Zero reacted to Mr. Pendanski telling him he was only good for digging holes.

3.      Where does Stanley hope Zero would take refuge?

4.      Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him?  

1.      Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Holes Chapter 25-28

Chapters 25-28

1.      Describe Sam and Katherine.

2.      According to Sam, what could onions cure?

3.      Explain how Katherine became Kissin’ Kate Barlow.

4.      What is Zero’s real name and why is it significant?

5.      Who returned to Green Lake after twenty years? What had happened?

6.      When was the last time rain fell on Green Lake?

1.      Why don’t the other boys approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys?
2.      Who else has turquoise-studded boots like Kate Barlow’s?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Holes Chapters 18-21

Chapters 18-21

1.      Why doesn’t Stanley worry that Zero is looking over his shoulder?

2.      How did Magnet get his nickname?

3.      Explain what happens with the sunflower seeds.

4.      Explain what happens when Mr. Sir takes Stanley to the Warden.

5.      What surprised Stanley when he returned to his hole?

6.      How was Stanley able to tell that Zero had dug his hole?

7.      How did Stanley’s great-grandfather claim to have survived in the desert?

1.      Why do you think Stanley continues lying to his mom and dad in his letters?
2.      Why do you think Zero finishes Stanley’s hole for him?

Monday, September 14, 2015

Holes 11-14

Chapters 11-14

1.      Where did X-Ray’s nickname come from?

2.      How do the boys at camp feel about Zero?

3.      Explain what Stanley finds in his hole.

4.      How does X-Ray mistreat Stanley?

5.      Describe the Warden.

6.      Why did X-Ray wait to show the tube to the Warden?

1.      Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this?

Holes 8-10

Chapters 8-10

1.      How does Stanley almost get in a fight?

2.      What does Stanley write to his mother about?

3.      Who is Caveman?

4.      What does Stanley find after digging his first hole?

5.      Explain the yellow-spotted lizards.

1.      Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015



Chapters 4-7

  1. Explain the daily process of digging.

  1. Who is Mr. Pendanski?

  1. Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski like to use nicknames?

  1. Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake have fences or guards?

  1. Explain what happened that got Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake.
  2. What do the boys have to do to get time off from digging holes?

  1. Explain the story of Madame Zeroni and Elya Yelnats.

1.      Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “Mom”? Does this nickname suit him?

2.      What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished?

Chapters 1-3

1.      What is interesting about the name “Camp Green Lake?”

2.      Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake?

3.      What options does the judge give Stanley?

4.      Why do boys go to Camp Green Lake?

5.      Explain the curse from the one-legged gypsy.

6.      Why is Stanley Yelnats name so interesting?

7.      Why did the Yelnats’ apartment smell of food odor and burning rubber?

1.      Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one?

2.      Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means?