Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spring Break

Welcome Back ALL!

I really did miss all of you! Please tell me in a Summary, how your spring break was?


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  3. My spring break was fun because the whole spring break I was hanging out with my friends and we went fishing for three days and was swimming and I helped my friend move in to his new house and I got to spend night for 3 days in a row. Then I got to see my baby cousin. Then yesterday I went to the movies.

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    2. Is your mom excited about getting married?

    3. That sounds fun, but put a space ware it says dad.Other

    4. yea she is but she is a little scared and stressed at the same time.

    5. What is your favorite ride at Magic Mountain?

    6. I really liked scream but my Favorite is full throttle

  5. My winter break was amazing. On Saturday the only thing I did was hangout in my room playing my Video Games. On Monday My sister and I played outside for a little bit and we also played with are cats. On Sunday (Of next week) We had a Easter party at my aunt's house. It was fun and I won Five dollars in a drawing competition. Later that day we went to a party for a girls 18 Birthday. My Dad helped them build their house so they invited us. We went to the party and they had really good food. On Monday I just hung out in my room all day, and Enjoy my last day off.

    1. This was supposed to be about spring brake, not winter brake.

    2. That sound like a lot of fun. I hope you had that much fun on your SPRING BREAK.

    3. I like this and I hope that You had fun doing it.

  6. During my spring break I got my hair cut to my shoulders. We also went easter/birthday shopping because Saturday, Monday and today we were celebrating my brother’s birthday. On Saturday we went to the Fresno Zoo and Cheesecake Factory. It was amazing and we got to see the new African Land. Then on Monday we got Bryson’s birthday pictures done, after that we went to Olive Garden to have lunch. After we got his cake and went home, he opened up presents and had cake. Easter was great to. We had the longest Easter egg hunt ever(that we have had) because we kept on missing all the eggs. But it was fun! I had a good Spring Break.

  7. This spring brake I went to watch batman vs superman with my friend. We celebrated easter by having family come to my house and waking up to candy and toys in our easter baskets. I also had my first baseball game this season but we sadly lost 7 to 4. And that is what I did this spring brake.

  8. My Spring Break was amazing. First from Saturday thru Tuesday I played video-games. Then on Wednesday my mom and I went to Barstow to pickup my niece, Charlotte. On Thursday my family went to my aunt's house and colored eggs for Easter. On Friday my dad and I went to go see Batman vs Superman. On Saturday my family and I went to my aunt’s house for Easter. Last on Sunday and Monday, I was in Las Vegas, Nevada. Also gone to the Coke and Jolly Ranchers Shops, in Las Vegas.

    1. Sounds like you had a grate brake. what did you get for the Easter

    2. Sounds like you had a grate brake. what did you get for the Easter

  9. All spring break I was at my po and grandma's house in palm desert so my parents can go to hawaii for a big hike. We went on 2 hikes and went to the pool in palm desert. when my parents got there they gave me a lava rock we had Easter and went home.

    1. what was the weather like?

    2. you went to go see superman vs batman cool i went to.

  10. During spring break I was in my room playing video games most of the time. Then I went to my cousin’s house for his birthday. Next I went in my pool, it was very cold. Then I went to my other cousin’s house for easter. Me and my two other cousins got in my pool and we were in the pool for twenty minutes then got in the hot tub, then got back in the pool. On the last day I walked to my grandma’s house.

  11. My spring break was amazing! Me and my Family went to a Chinese Restaurant to go have dinner. The place Also was a Buffet meaning you pay a price and can get your own choice of food. Also there was a Ice Cream Machine with Chocolate, Vanilla and mixed Ice Cream. There was only one problem you had to be careful how much you eat because if any of your food is left on the Plate you will be charged Money, The reason they do this is because they are losing money by throwing away good food. That was how my Spring Break went.

  12. My Spring Break was amazing. First from Saturday thru Tuesday I played video-games. Then on Wednesday my mom and I went to Barstow to pickup my niece, Charlotte. On Thursday my family went to my aunt's house and colored eggs for Easter. On Friday my dad and I went to go see Batman vs Superman. On Saturday my family and I went to my aunt’s house for Easter. Last on Sunday and Monday, I was in Las Vegas, Nevada. Also gone to the Coke and Jolly Ranchers Shops, in Las Vegas.

  13. A lot of my time was spent at home except for Tuesday, Sunday, and the Monday that just past. On tuesday my dad, my sister, and I went to see Zootopia. After watching Zootopia we got lunch and went home. Sunday was Easter Sunday and our church was SO full of people. All of my family went which is 14 people taking up 2 rows, after everything we went to Exeter for another Easter and it was a lot of fun. On Monday my dad and I rode on our bikes to a little trail that is very close to our house and we had a lot of fun, that night my whole family dominos and it was really fun.

    1. Did you like the movie Zootopia?

    2. That sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I did that. I like that your family spent the whole day having fun.

  14. On spring break all I did was sleepin all day and later do nothing. I played lots of video games with my sister and I would win her. I went outside and ran everywhere all day. On Easter we painted small pots and put flowers in them. (I made a rabbit and a chick) And painted eggs that looked weird and colorful. That was all I did for spring break.

    1. What did you play?

    2. I played Mario games and another fighting game. I don't remember the names of them.

  15. On my spring break my dad had to go to Sacramento for training with his job. My dad was gone from Monday through Friday. So I was home with my mom and my brother all week. When my dad came home Friday he took my and my brother to watch the movie Superman vs. Batman. My family had dinner with our neighbor which we do every Saturday. My brother went swimming with my friend. Lastly I had a softball game and I was catcher the enter game because the other catcher was out of town.

    1. was superman vs. batman a good movie.

    2. Did you win your game?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The Superman vs. Batman was good. I lost my game 5-12

  16. My spring break was great! I sort of had an extra day off because I went to San Francisco the day before spring break started. I got to go to San Francisco with one of my good friends, so that made it even more fun. While we were there we got to see the Giants stadium, walk up and down the wharf, and go to the ferry building. It was a really fun experience and I hope I can go again. During the rest of the week my family and I did a lot of cleaning and yard work to get ready for Easter. I had a basketball tournament on Friday and Saturday in Lemoore. We ended up winning two and losing one. Then, on Easter Sunday my family and I not only celebrated Easter, but also my Aunt and Uncle’s 34th anniversary. At around 6:00 I left the Easter celebration a little bit early to go play basketball at MHS. That night I spent the night at my friends’ house. The next day her and I went to go play some more basketball with our friends. In conclusion, I would say my Spring break was a success.

    1. Did you do anything for your Aunts anniversary.

    2. We didn't do anything to big. My sister and I decorated the sidewalk with chalk, and that is how we told them happy anniversary. Other than that, they were more focused on celebrating for Easter.

  17. My spring break was alright because I did some stuff but then some days I just stood home on my phone either on instagram or snapchat.On Monday I went to six flags me my dad and my two brothers so it was more like a guys hang out.Then on Tuesday I went to the movies with some friends.It was me zaynah, marley and two of there cousins.We went to go watch batman vs Superman. I went with my brother and at the same time we went the girls went.On Wednesday I didnt do much we just went out to eat and then we came back home and by the time we came home I just got on my phone.Thursday and Friday I didn't do anything besides on my phone.Saturday I had a basketball game with my dads travel team.We won 46-31.Then on Sunday it was Easter and for Easter I found a egg with 100 dollars.And my parents also got me two Hover boards and two I Phone 6 s one small and the other big.My spring break was kind of interesting and fun.

    1. Was the Batman Vs. Superman movie good?

    2. You did not get 2 hover boards and 2 I phone 6s

    3. Where did you go for Ester?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. My spring break was great! I went to my friends house and I also went to Santa Monica. At my friends house we did a lot of fun things. We made cotton candy, played with her dogs, and played around outside. My brother also went because he was bored and he played with her brother. In Santa Monica I went with my family and we stayed for 3 days. The first thing we did was walk to the beach. Over at the beach there was a big wave and my brother got knocked over. The next day my cousins came to Santa Monica with us and we buried each other in sand. I buried my cousin and made her look like a mermaid and my mom made my brother looked like a merman. After the beach we got to go swimming at our hotel but when we were done they had to leave. Awhile after they left we went to the Santa Monica Pier and went on a lot of the rides. Finally the next day we had to leave, and when we got home I played with my dogs.

    1. What rides did you go on?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. What I did on my spring break was on Saturday I performed in the kids fest. My cheer team and I got free wrist bands. Then after the kids fest I went to Selena’s for my nephew’s birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. My nephew’s name is Anthony but we call him AJ. And the Chuck E Cheese is so big it was two stories high with fun stuff to do. And on Sunday which was Easter I got so much money because the eggs were only filled with money I got 30 dollars.and then my family and I had a Easter party. And on Monday my family and I got the pie face game. And it was so much fun.

    1. Does your cheer team have a name?

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    1. Where did you play basketball and soccer at?

    2. I am so jealous of Serina

  21. Over my winter break my family and I went to Bartlett Park for Easter we eat meat,hamburgers,chicken,fruit,and bbq ribs.My family and I play soccer and volleyball.With my dad's side of the family we eat BBQ ribs,chicken,meat,cookies,pie,fruit,and cake.My cousins and I went fishing.With my dad's side of the family we all played soccer.On my last day of spring break four of my cousins and one of my brothers and I had a water balloon fight.My spring break was really fun.

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  22. During my spring break, I only did a couple of things. First, we went to Santa Barbara to visit a mission and then we went to Santa Monica just to visit and explore. Next, we went to a little town called Lompoc and stayed at a hotel there. The town was just like Porterville but it had more things which made it better. The next day we went to we had another hotel reservation at San Luis Obispo so we had to make our way there. While we traveled to get there we stopped at many places and beaches to explore. It was really fun. When we got to our hotel we started to walk around to see what’s around. We walked a lot and after that we stopped at a pizza place to eat. The next day we had to leave and go home which was on Easter SUnday. Then, to celebrate Easter Sunday we did a scavenger hunt and an egg hunt and got lots of candy. That’s basically all I did for spring break.

  23. I really did miss all of you! Please tell me in a Summary, how your spring break was?
    It was fun all i did was play video games and my uncle came over we played video games and we had a egg war it was fun.

  24. My spring break was really fun. The first, thing I did was leave on Friday to Carson City, Nevada. We got to Carson on Friday and left the following Friday. We did so much, each day we did something fun. My sisters and my cousin Lucky went also, my Aunt Nikki drove us up there to spend the week with her friend Olivia. When we got home we were happy to see are parents. The next day was Saturday, on Saturday my cousin Malea and her parents arrived at are house they live at the beach. We went swimming and got in the spa. We also dyed eggs it was a lot of fun. When we were done dyeing eggs we did the bean boozled challenge it was so nasty. On Sunday it was Easter we did Easter at my Aunt Nikki’s. Family on my mom's side came over. My cousins mom came in and said me and my cousin need to come out side so we did, when we walked out there, there was my uncle Turner’s horse out there. We played lots of games that you could win a starbucks card. It was so much fun.

  25. My spring break was great! I went to magic mountain twice, once on the first Sunday of break with my entire family again with me, my sister, and my dad. Other than that I slept in and my family prepared for my mom's wedding which is on this Saturday. I am very exited about her wedding, everybody is!!!My spring break was very exiting!!!

  26. During Spring Break I went to a part of Mexico called Rosarito. I went to Rosarito with my two brothers, my mom, and my dad. I also went to the Rosarito beach, When I arrived to the beach there was music, and there was lots of people dancing. In 1995 Rosarito became the fifth municipality of the mexican state of baja california. I also got to experience, good friday in Mexico, Where they celebrated by walking in the street with candles and fire sticks.

  27. My spring break was fun I did a lot of things.When i was at my dad's house I was bored so I called Brysn but when he answered he said he was driving to the airport so I called john and I said I can come over.I rode my bike over to his house and we started riding our bike around town.The next day me and john rode to the movie theater and we watched a cool movie and we had fun.On Wednesday i stayed home because I didn't feel good so I just watched tv and and watched Netflix.On thursday I went over to john's house and we rode around in the ranger and he let me drive and I wasn't a very good driver and we almost flipped over because i was going to fast when we turned but then I got used to it.On Friday morning John and I went to go collect chicken eggs and their was a couple and john threw on at me but he only got my shoes.Saturday John and I went to go see batman vs superman it was a good movie.Sunday I went out to brunch with my mom and step dad it was fun I had waffles and fruit and I got a basket full of candy and after then I went to my dad's house and i got mlb 2k16 in my Easter basket i was so happy.Monday I went to basketball practice and after that I went to my baseball game and we lost 15 to 14.

  28. My Spring Break was FANTASTIC! What I did on my weekend before Spring Break was I went to Red Bluff to visit my 2 other brothers, Morgan and Calvin, and Morgan's girlfriend, Meghan. On the first day of spring break is when I was at home, used my iPad, played Geometry Dash (SHUT UP, Kaleb, KEANU!), next on my computer, I went on Garry's Mod, Prop Hunt, and Happy Wheels, (I was going to play Geometry Dash, but I got bored and played Garry's Mod, instead.). On the next day I went to my friend's house and played Minecraft and COD: AW, then I played Geometry Dash with him, (he had the lite, I had the full, so...), then, went on a server with him, then in mid-game, my mom had to pick me up, so I took him with me so his mom picked him up there. On the third day, I went to my brother's babysitters, (I couldn't stay home, because I was 11, he was 9, so... We HAD our stuff.) we brought snacks, games, PC, X-Box, and chargers, (obviously). On the fourth day, we did the same thing, except, we went to my friend's house to visit his cousins. On the last day, we stayed at home until our dad got here, (at 12:00 AM), before that, we went on twitch, looked at some live streams. then went to bed, (i'd rather not explain what we did in the morning on Friday or the weekends.).

  29. For my spring break I did a lot of things. The first thing I did was go to a late St.Patrick day party all my family showed up and all the kids went out side to play games. The next thing I did during spring break was have my first softball game we won the first game but lost the second by the time the first game was over I was so tired, so coach let me sit out while one of the other players took my position as catcher.The next day my legs were really sore so we stade at home and did nothing . Next I got a phone ( I was really excited ).The next day we watched Zootopia and we loved the movie it was really cute. On Friday my mom and dad went shopping while I went to my Grandma's house and saw all my cousins. One cousin came over to my house to spend the night. On Saturday we dropped of my cousin at her house and went to my friends birthday party ( It was ice cream themed ) We were going to go to Magic Mountain but the weather was bad so we were going to go on Monday.On Easter we went to church and then we went to my Grandma's house to have lunch it was really good because my Nina made rice. We had an egg hunt and I got a lot of money out of it. When it was done we went to my other grandma's house and visited her for a while. The bad weather continued near Magic Mountain so we just didn't go. Instead we went to a friends house in Fresno and ate at In-N-Out.The last thing we did was go to my brothers baseball practice ( It was really cold ) Me and my mom couldn't stand the coldness so we went to the car on the way to the car I found 2 Easter eggs and each egg had a dollar in it

  30. During my spring break I had a lot of fun. The first three days of my spring break I was really sick so my family couldn't really do anything. When was not sick the next day so my cousins came over to have bbq with our family and that was a lot of fun. We had a lot of fun because my brother challenged me to a basketball game 21 and the score was 20 to 20 and shot and I made the winning shot. But the next day my sister took my brothers and one friends of mine to watch batman vs superman. When the movie was over we went to take my friend home and his mom said he could spend the night. So we went home and I let him sleep on my bed. But we weren't tired so we watched a lot of videos on youtube. The next day was easter we had a big party at my cousin's house as soon as I got there i jumped in the pool and it was so cold I got out so fast and I went to get my towel. We couldn't get easter eggs so all the parents just hid money around the backyard. When the party was over we went home and I passed out. My spring break was really fun.

  31. During spring break, I enjoyed myself. The way I spent the first day of spring break was going to a concert. The concert was of a band called New District. I had a fantastic time watching them perform and I also got a signature from all of them and a picture taken with them. I spent the rest of the week at home with my dad. On Easter I didn’t really spend the day the way that I always do, which is just to have a party. Instead my family and I went the Fresno Chaffee Zoo and had fun looking at all kinds of animals. In conclusion, my spring break wasn’t all that fun but I had a great time spending all of those days with my family!

  32. I really did miss all of you! Please tell me in a Summary, how your spring break was?I what to the beach to go whale watching at pismo .I to the move of easter .we play xbox360 online

  33. My spring break was really fun! On Monday my best friend Serina came over. We did flips, played with my dogs and made funny videos. Serina’s brother also came so all three of us went inside and played xbox with my brother. Well our brothers played xbox Serina and I made cotton candy. On the last day of Spring Break I went to McDermott with my brother, my friends, and my brothers friends. We got there at 12:30 because we thought McDermott was going to be open. Instead during spring break Mcdermott opens at 2:00. So to waste two hours we played basketball and soccer. When everything was open we did everything. We played Laser tag and I got third place. We also did rock climbing. When you ring a bell you get arcade money. I almost got the bell but, my foot slipped and I fell. We even did the wave rider. My friends and I didn’t wipe out as much as the boys because they tried to stand up. The other days of spring break I slept in and watched Netflix. We also went to Tulare to watch Batman vs Superman. We got luxury seats and the theater was full.
