Sunday, March 6, 2016


Welcome Back!

I'm sorry... I am out today :( I have a training. I would like for you to write about your best memory about Scicon. I would like it to be at least 5 or more sentences. Grammar will matter!!! I would also like you to comment on at least one persons memory!

See you all tomorrow!


  1. My best memory was when I went on Sky Trail. It was Easy and I was expecting more of a challenge. When we got to the top the view was amazing. We got to see all of Scicon and Springville.
    It took us about four hours to go up and back down. When we finished Sky Trail everybody was looking at us and asking us questions like was it hard or how was it did I like it.

    1. True very nice

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. True it was very easy.

    5. Yes I like it. Because it is true and nicely done.

    6. Good job Marcus

    7. that is really true

  2. My best memory at scicon was when we had dinner and walked on trails. One other memory was when we were in are cabins.But the best memory wa when i walked up to dead man falls with my friends.Also when we had to go in are trail groups. But at the end was the best memory of all.

  3. My biggest memory of Scicon is Sky Trail. The Reason this is my biggest memory of scicon is because it is huge. Another Reason it was a huge accomplishment. Also I remember Sky Trail by its name and it's very hard to forget about. Also it was an amazing view at the top.

  4. One memory that I had at Scicon is, all of the new friends I made. A friend that I made was Kaden B. he was a super funny kid in my trail group and made me laugh. An other friend I made was Robert P. he was the funniest kid in my cabin. The last friend I made is Max and even tho he was a troublemaker he is still a good guy. Also my councillor , Daniel, became my friend.

    1. Its awesome that you made new friends!

    2. Yeah kaden was funny

    3. Max needs to keep his mouth SHUT about me.

  5. My best memory at Scicon was folk dancing. I liked this because dancing is my favorite thing to do. Also I thought it was cool because there was 4 boys behind me, and the tall one whispered to the others look at her feet and they were pointing at me. What made it my favorite was the fact that I can do the dance they made and put my own spin on it. Also the fun thing about folk dancing was that I got to see all of my favorite Scion workers. In conclusion, that is why folk dancing was my best memory at Scicon.

    1. I also liked the folk dancing too! we all got into it, so it was fun for our cabin!!!

  6. Scicon
    One good memory that I had about Scicon was all the trails that we did. The most hardest trail for me was Sky Trail. It was very steep. But at the end of it all It was worth it to see the view. All the other trails were good to. I learned lots about things. Like about water, birds, Erosion, and other things. I also got to see the Museum their. And got to hold a gray snake named Rosey. I also remember someone saying that animals could go for months without eating because they have to hunt for their food. We don’t. Well that's my good memory.

  7. My favorite part of scicon was going on trails. The trails were very interesting. I liked that see cool new things while hiking. Also I liked learning new things about nature. I also liked Sky Trail. It was interesting to learn a little more about the hermit. Also the view was amazing you could see everything at scicon.

    1. Yeah sky trail was fun but it was very hard

  8. My best memory at SCICON is that on thursday about twenty three kids from our class went on sky trail. It was fun because we could talk and we all had fun. When we got up to the top of the trail and we all saw the hermit's cabin and the hermits underwear (Gordy the geology trail guide put new red long johns up there earlier this year). The hermits cabin was very interesting. I couldn't even imagine sleeping on that bed though. Th way down was quiet and rough, it was easier than going up. On the way down a lot of kids fell. Everything about the sky trail was fun.

    1. True a lot of people fell but still everything about Sky Trail was fun.

    2. True, Sky Trail was awesome. We were some of the kids that fell. Even though we all got hurt.

    3. That Gordy is very sneaky! I have to say that it was easier going down!

  9. Scicon
    By: Jeremiah Willard

    My favorite part about SCICON was everything. The 1st thing I liked was the campfire because everyone dressed up and were really funny.The 2nd thing I liked was the elective trail Dead Man’s Falls because it was really hard yet satisfying at the end. The 3rd thing I liked was the reflective hike on the last day. The 4th thing I liked was teacher time because we got to hang out with our teacher. The 5th thing I liked was thursday night dinner because it was like being at a fancy restraunt.

  10. My best memory about Scicon was Sky Trail. It was my best memory because I went with my friends Zoey, Emily, Serina, and Kaydince. On the way up some of the line was singing songs. We sang Hey Hey Bodidly Bop and The moose. When we were about 10 minutes away from the top we stopped to get some water and yell. We yelled at Quartz mine because they were on across from us. After we yelled we heard an echo. At the top we went and saw the Hermit's cabin and his underwear. We also sat down and could see all of Scicon. It was really pretty. We could even see the town outside of Scicon! As we were coming down Me, Emily, Serina, Zoey, and Kaydince all fell. Serina fell and made Zoey fall, I slipped on a rock and Emily tried to catch me but ended up falling with me on a rock.

    1. The songs were very fun to sing on our way to the Hermit's Cabin to pass time.

  11. My best memory at Scicon was going on the trails because they were very interesting. The trails were very interesting because I would learn new things and have new experiences. One of the trails was bird seeing. I liked it because I learned about so many types of birds that I did not know about. My trail group was named The Peregrine Falcons. The elective trail that I chose was Dead Man Falls. It was an enthralling trail because it had a fascinating story behind it and you got to see an amazing and breathtaking view. I had a wonderful time at Scicon!

  12. One of my best memories was when I went on sky trail. It was easy going a little bit hard going up and easy coming down but,I almost slipped and fell coming down. My second favorite memory was cabin cheer.My cabin lizard rock got second place in cabin cheer. My third memory wa when we would sing the scicon songs.

  13. My best memory at Scicon was Sky Trail. It was my best memory because on the way up we got to sing songs and it was fun. I went with my best friends Tanvir, Zoey, Kaydince, and Emily. Even though we couldn’t talk to each other on the way up it was fun to have them there. On Sky Trail when we were about halfway up, we got to yelled ‘hi’ to Quartz Mine, and they also yelled back to us. When we got up to the to we got to see the Hermit’s Cabin and his chonies of course. There was also a beautiful view from the top, you could all of Scicon from the top. When you get to the top you feel accomplishment because Sky Trail is 2,000 feet elevated. As we were going down ( it was way faster than going up ) slipped on a rock and fell on my bum. I tried to grab onto Zoey so I wouldn’t fall but it was too late. When we got all the way back to Scicon a lot people asked us how it was like and if it was hard or not.

    1. It was really fun even though I did not see it but it was funny!

  14. The best memory was when I was assigned cabins with my friends. I was assigned with Keanu, Kaleb, Jaime, Simeon, and Orlando. But I met 3 new kids, Isaac, Jose, and Jameson. We had fun together and we messed around together. The problem was that Jose kept doing stuff we didn't want him to do, like poke people with the broom, or pull Kaleb out of bed. Our cabin was Bobcat Lair.

  15. My favorite memory of Scicon was SKY TRAIL, DANCING, and FRIENDS! Sky trail was one of my favorite memories is because you could see Scicon, Springville, Hermit’s cabin and his long underwear. The view was also amazing. Dancing was amazing because you could learn new dances and then when the music started you could add your new grove in and have fun. Also making new friends. When it was teacher time these group of girls came up and started asking me truth or dare questions and I had a blast with them. The singing, claps and cheering were also fun! The songs I liked were Live Oak, Big Blue Marble, Bugs Eat Bugs. The cheering songs I liked were You Can’t Ride in my Little Red Wagon. Hey Hey Bodidly, and People Want to Know Who We Are. So in the end on Sky Trail we all agreed that Sky Trail was a pre-training for my training for a firefighter! All of me and my friends also fell. Serina slipped on a rock and fell on her butt and made Zoey fall , Kaydince slipped in a hole and made Tanvir fall, and Tanvir slipped on a rock and I tried to save like a true firefighter but I ended up falling with her on a rock. We all agreed that training to be a firefighter is hard. It also really hurts.

  16. my biggest memory at scicon was all of Thursday.I loved sky trail I loved the view seeing the hermits cabin wasn't worth it but I'll walk up there a million times just for the view.And after sky trail the lunch was good but I liked my trail group because we got to learn about a big ball of trash that is in the ocean and how a water bottle can take millions of years to dissolve.The best part of Thursday was dinner and the dancing I had a lot of fun because the dances were funny I laughed a lot scicon was really fun I want to go back as a counselor.

  17. Scicon Memories
    Scicon memories that i made weren't exactly good the memories that i made were memories the i don’t want to remember like getting milk with ice spilled on me on the last day or when my counselor jumped on me to wake me up. Those were my memories and i have plenty more. Some other memories that I made were almost falling out of the go-cart ( which was really scary ). I did have fun hanging out with Nichole and Bay but that is all I fell so many times I could of died . One other memory that I made was being the last one to get out of the shower. That is all I want to remember the other things that I didn’t say was probably too much for you to handle.

  18. My best memory from Scicon was…. Sky Trail. Sky trail was a 2.7 hike up same going down and it took about, 1 and a half hour up and 1 and a half hour down. I liked Sky Trail because, it had a great view where the Hermit’s cabin and the chonies were. I was really happy because me and my friend Julissa accomplished the trail. I fell once going up and like three times going down. It was a great trail.
    Someone I will remember will be `Jessica she showed us around the day we got there and took us on are reflective trail. That is how I will remember her.

  19. In my opinion, everything there and what I did was my favorite part about Scicon. It was such an amazing experience for me. You would think that once you got there you would be all shy around other people but really, that feeling goes away. You treat people like you’ve known them for a long time. Campfire night, night activities and the Hermit's story was really fun and entertaining. Campfire night was hysterical, the little plays they did and you listened to, the songs you would repeat, and how everything was set up. One part that was really funny was when Tomé was saying this, “Uno, Dos y TRES!!!” That part really cracked me up.The night activities was entertaining, challenging and fun. Everyone had to work together in order to solve the problem. The little challenging games they gave us what fun, especially the game with the hoop. Hermit's story was also very hysterical. The was Hermit talked was funny,“Where all my vegetables at!?” I loved that story! It made me laugh so hard! The other night was line dancing. I love dancing a lot, That was really fun, the songs they put on while they told you what to do made you really want to dance! I even still remember all the dances! Another thing was Sky Trail. Who could ever imagine climbing a mountain over 2,000 feet high! That experience of climbing was amazing, so was the view on the mountain!!!I highly recommend that trail because it was fun, challenging. We we 45 minutes in and barely one quarter to halfway! My cabin was so united, it was so fun and everyone treated each other like they’ve known each other for years. We all laughed so much and the part that I liked was making people laugh. I made Kyann, Alexis, Becca, Bella and everyone else in my cabin laugh really hard. I Loved my cabin group. My trail group was also fun. Hiking was the really fun part. One other part I liked was the John Muir Lodge. The one way system was fun especially while being a gofer. I enjoyed being the gofer twice, I loved having that job. Also, the food was way better there than here. Last but not least are the songs! The songs made everything complete. The songs made everything even more fun and exciting, The songs were really fun to sing i have almost all of them memorized. I really, really, really, really adore and loved all of the songs. This whole experience made me learn, change, enjoy and adore many new things. It’s made me realize many things. I love Scicon so much and enjoyed it. I have never had such an amazing experience such as this one. I just can’t stop saying how much I enjoyed this.
