Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Food for thought!

  1. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be _________.. and why?
Please write at least two paragraphs and comment on one persons post!


  1. If I had to eat any food for the rest of my life it would be enchiladas because I love my mom's enchiladas. If she would always make them I would always eat them.
    My Mom's enchiladas are the best enchiladas. Her enchiladas are savory, tasty, and just plain delicious. I would trade any food item for my Mom's enchiladas. I wish she would make them every night. I love enchiladas

    1. you forgot a punctuation on the last sentence.

    2. It sounds like you love your moms enchiladas good job

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. you need 5 sentences for both paragraph, dude.

    5. Your mom's Enchiladas Sound Good. BRING ME SOME!!!

    6. Those Enchiladas sound very good just about now nice job Jeremiah

    7. Your mom's Enchiladas Sound Good. BRING ME SOME!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If I were to eat one food for the rest of my life I would eat barbecue chicken. I would eat barbecue chicken for the rest of my life because it tastes really good in my mouth. Also it is easy to eat with braces on. You can also make it really soft and easier to eat. Lastly, I would eat only barbecue chicken is because it is my favorite food to eat.
    In this second paragraph I will, again, be talking about barbecue chicken. My dad makes the best barbecue chicken. He also makes it soft for me to eat because as I mentioned earlier, I have braces. Now if you were to try it I would say, you would love it!

    1. Is it hard to eat chicken with braces?

    2. Yes, especially steak and other hard chickens or any type of meat.

    3. Would you want to really eat something that doesn't have any type of vitamins it you body needs vitamins in order to work ?

    4. You must really like your dad barbecue chicken.

  4. If I were to pick a food to eat for the rest of my life, I would go with strawberries. First of all, they’re sweet and juicy and could go with anything. Second of all, They’re my favorite fruit and have been since I was smaller and they’re healthy for you. Third of all, you can make food with them.

    For example, you could make strawberries ice cream or chocolate covered ice cream. These are my main reasons why I would go for strawberries for the rest of my life.

    1. That is great that you love strawberries and that you can mix it with any type of ice cream!

    2. Sounds like you love strawberries good job

    3. Its is great that you love strawberry you can also make a smoothie with it

  5. If I had to eat one food for the rest of my life, I would choose pizza! I would choose pizza because I love pizza and If I had a choice of pizza and some other food, than I would choose pizza. Another reason I would choose pizza is because of all the toppings on top of it. And the cheese!

    When I was younger I loved pizza! And I still do. I wouldn’t make the pizza though. I would buy one. But I also love pizza because than me and my family could sit at the table all together and we all talk. That’s also why It’s my favorite food. That’s why I love Pizza! What’s your favorite food to eat if you had to eat it for the rest of your life?

    1. I like your structure in your paragraph and one of my favorite foods is pizza! Where is your favorite place to get pizza?

    2. I love your paragraph it's very enthusiastic and amazing Kyann nice job but on the first paragraph at the end your sentence starts with a and.

    3. good job kyann But you started a sentence with but.

    4. Where is your favorite place to get pizza?

  6. One food i would like to have to eat for the rest of my life would be Tacos. The reason i picked Tacos is because it has meat cheese tomatoes and lettuce inside. Most of those inside are healthy for you such as Lettuce. If you however do get tired of tacos and you just don't want anymore you can take the Lettuce out and make some type of meal with it. Also taco meat can have healthy meat it doesn't always have to be ground beef.

    Another Reason why i would choose tacos just to eat is because they taste amazing! Also i would like to eat tacos for rest of my life is because the shell. A taco shell can be made in different ways it's better the healthy way because when you however cook a taco shell it can get a little greasy. There is many ways tacos can be perfect for you to eat. The Last reason why i picked tacos to eat for the rest of my life is because sometimes they can make you cheer up!

    1. I love Tacos too. There Sooo good.

    2. I agree with you simeon

  7. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be mashed potatoes. I would eat only mashed potatoes because they are fluffy and delicious if you make them right. I like mashed potatoes because the sour cream, the cheese, and the salt...Oh my!
    Why mashed potatoes you ask? Well mashed potatoes help you intake the amount of veggies that you should eat every week! Mashed potatoes also help you boost your vitamin B intake. Mashed potatoes are good for you in some ways and bad for you in some ways, in the end it all balances out!

    1. I love mashed potatoes too! The way you talked about the nutritional factors was great. Great job Zoey!

  8. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life it would be a nice big Juicy T Bone Steak. The reason I would choose this food is because it is full of protein to keep you strong and healthy and it's Sooo Good. My dad's T Bone Steaks are so good I would Die just for one bite! I wish he could make it more often. I Love T Bone Steaks!!!

  9. If I had one food to eat for my whole life I would chose watermelon. I would choses watermelon because it has good flavor and it is healthy for you. I will explain my reasons in these next 2 ph.

    Why do I think watermelon has good flavor? I think watermelon has good flavor because it is sweet and is really juicy. When I take a bite watermelon juice runs down my chin onto my shirt. I can see if you don't like it because there are sometimes a lot of seeds but, they make watermelons without seeds to.Watermelon is great if you need a side for your meal or for an after school snack. I would enjoy it for life.

    Why is watermelon so healthy for you? Watermelon is so healthy for you because it has lots of vitamins in it. It has 31% of vitamin A. The watermelon also contains 6% vitamin C, 5% of vitamin B-6, lots of iron ,and 7% Magnesium. It may have some sugar but, your chose probably has some in it maybe less than my choice it may even have more.

    I can't make you love watermelon but, I can make you think about it. I told you everything you need to know about watermelon so choice it for life take a bite you will love it just like me.

    1. I agree with you watermelon is really good and has a great flavor. It is also good for you.
      Watermelon is one of my favorites to.

    2. Elise this paragraph is very informational i learned a lot from this but on paragraph one on sentence 2 it says "i would choses watermelon" and on the last paragraph it says choice it should be choose read it again and see if it makes more sense with choose and lastly on paragraph 2 on the beginning of sentence 5 the Watermelon is not spaced away from the period check it.

    3. just saw that thanks

  10. If I had to only eat one food for the rest of my life I would eat pineapple. I would eat pineapple because it's good and healthy for you. Also because my grandma gets it every week so I eat it and I like it.

    1. I like pineapple to.I would eat that for the rest of my life if I had to

    2. Look who's talking that is not even one paragraph.

  11. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be sandwiches. I would chose sandwiches because they are really good. If my mom would make sandwiches every night I would eat it. My parents make different types of sandwiches. I like what my mom puts on them.
    My parents make them perfect, that is why i would eat sandwiches for the rest of my life. I love when my parents make sandwiches. I wish I could it sandwiches for the rest of my life.

    1. What sandwich is your favorit?

  12. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be a subway sandwich. I would choose a subway sandwich because they are healthy for you and because you get your sandwich right away. I choose a subway sandwich because they are healthy. I wouldn’t want to be fat for the rest of my life by eating junk food. I would want to be healthy and because you can choose what you want on it. You don’t call them and tell the worker I want a pepperoni pizza. You go there and tell them what you want on it and they make it right in front of you.
    Another reason of why I would eat a subway sandwich for the rest of my life is because you get your food right away. I wouldn’t have to wait in a line, order my food, then wait 5 or 10 minutes for them to call my number. At subway I would get my sandwich right away. All I would have to do it make my sandwich, pay, then I would get my sandwich.

    1. Not all of the Subway sandwiches are healthy for you though.

  13. If I were to eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be Pepper Chicken w/ Chili Paste. I chose Pepper Chicken because, I can eat it with green peppers. I also chose Pepper Chicken because if it is too hot, you can dip it in the cold chili paste to cool it down and make it spicier. I can eat it with green onions, jalapeños, and green bell peppers. I would love it if I had the Habañero pepper.
    It’s like a time scale, but it's IMPOSSIBLE to eat one thing for the rest of your life. Why?: you could get a coma, you can easily get over the food, AND you would have an addiction for MILLIONS of years. Anyway, if I ate it with chili oil, it would be better. So… IN addiction of spicy foods, Pepper Chicken is ALWAYS my favorite.

    1. cool chicken w/chili paste.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. this is not two paragraphs. Its not even one paragraph.

    2. You need two paragraphs.

    3. Dude this is not even one paragraph

  15. If I had to only eat one food for the rest of my life I would eat pineapple. I would eat pineapple because it's good and healthy for you. Also because my grandma gets it every week so I eat it and I like it.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be shrimp.The reason why i would eat shrimp for the rest of my life is because they are taste and delushious.I wish I would be able to eat shrimp every dinner we have.If there was no shrimp made for dinner I would go to a restaurant to buy shrimp and bring it home.I would trade anything for shrimp.
    For example,If I had a cheeseburger and my cousin had shrimp I would trade him for the shrimp.If he doesn't want to trade I will chase after him.

  18. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be a Subway sandwich. Subway is my favorite food. Also Subways food is always fresh so it would be health.
    Subway has fresh food so I would be health. Subway’s food is good, so I would have a foot long BMT on wheat bread. The price is pretty cheap. The calories are lower. The 6" Italian B.M.T. has 410 calories. For a Big Mac it is 680 calories. Subway will always be my favorite food.

  19. If i had to eat one food for the rest of my life I would choose steak. I chose steak because when you bite in to it you can taste the juiciness in it And it is one of my favorite foods . Also when you finish, it fills you up and you won't eat for a long time. It also does not make you as thirsty because all the flavors on the steak. Steak is big and delicious and it helps you get the proteins that you need.

  20. If I could eat one food for my whole life, it would be fish. I would only have fish because it is amazing. It’s amazing because my mom makes it. She makes it fried and fresh lemon juice. She also puts garlic and pappy's seasoning.
    I love fish so much I go fishing every weekend. I would catch at least 5 fish in one day. Then my family and I would eat them. After that I would go and fish again. If we ran out of fish I wouldn’t eat anything.

  21. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would depend on what I got with it or where I got it. For instance, do I get a drink with it or do I have to get it or cook it myself. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be cooked fish. This is because it’s fat is good for you and it isn’t so unhealthy. It doesn’t taste good but it doesn’t taste bad. It also doesn’t take that much skill or work to cook it.
    One good thing about the fish is that you can make taste however you like with the right ingredients, you can also cook the fish in many different. If you don’t like that taste you could just add something. Fish is one of my favorite types of food. Fish gives you protein and it’s fat also contains heart-healthy Omega-3. You also need proteins and other vitamins for your body to survive. Therefore that is why I would choose cooked fish to eat for the rest of my life.

  22. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life it would be egg rolls.There are many types of egg rolls my favorite are filipino egg rolls because my grandma comes from the phillipines and she always cooks them for me when she comes down.There are also healthy ones so it’s not all fattening food.All egg rolls are different some have only salads and vegetables for vegetarians or if you want to eat healthy and a lot of the have meat and vegetables and some just have meat.All of the egg rolls are wrapped differently and some are fried and some are not.
    Most egg rolls are simple to make but some are really hard to make.My mom and I love to make Filipino egg rolls her mom tought her and now my mom is teaching me how to make them.If I have the right ingredients I’ll make them when Im home with my brother I’ll usually make them for lunch.They are really simple to make and their good.If I had to choose one food you know now why it would be egg rolls.

  23. If I could eat only one thing it would be deviled eggs because it will fill you up and it's half an egg and when you have one egg then it will turn it into two eggs. Then and you will get full. For example if you have twelve eggs and you cut them in half then you get twenty four eggs. And it depends how much eggs you put because you half the eggs apart and they become in two. And you will definitely get full.

    Again with the deviled eggs the deviled eggs could have many toppings or spices. For example you could use tapatio ,pepper ,salt and other stuff. And you could even use it as a dessert, parties, and anytime you want. Deviled eggs will be my choice if I could only eat one thing in the world. What will you choose if you could only eat one thing in the world?

  24. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would definitely be spaghetti. I would choose this food because it is my all time favorite food, and I never get tired of it. My family and I usually have spaghetti around once a week, and it is delicious. In my opinion, my mom’s spaghetti is by far the most tasty. I would even call her spaghetti mouthwatering.

    I wouldn’t trade any other food for my mom’s spaghetti. The spaghetti she makes is super flavorful, and pretty amazing if I do say so myself. Even if spaghetti isn’t the most gourmet food, I would still say it is pretty delectable. I would definitely eat it everyday. In the end, I just really love spaghetti.

  25. If I can only eat one food it would be pineapple because it is sweet good and healthy at the same time. The main reason I chose pineapple is so I can de health but not healthy at the same time. Another reason is you can do lots with pineapple like BBQ it get juice from it and more. Also it has vitamins.

  26. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, It would be Watermelon, I would chose to only eat watermelon because, I love watermelon . I would also chose to only eat watermelon because, It's healthy for you. Despite popular belief that watermelon is made up of only water and sugar, watermelon is actually considered a nutrient dense food, a food that provides a high amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for a low amount of calories.Watermelon Is a Fruit and a Vegetable.Remember how watermelon is related to cucumbers, pumpkin, and squash? That's because it's part vegetable and part fruit (it's a sweet, seed-producing plant, after all). The other clue that watermelon is both fruit and vegetable.

  27. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life I would pick pizza. One reason I would eat pizza is it tastes amazing. Another reason is because it’s my favorite food. My next reason is that pizza you can put anything on it and it still taste good.

    Now let’s talk about toppings. Toppings on your pizza matters. So if you could pizza for the rest of your life you can put whatever toppings you want. You can put chicken, bacon, canadian bacon, pepperoni, extra cheese, mushroom, or even jalapeno. That is why I would choose pizza to eat for the rest of my life.

  28. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be ribs. I would choose ribs because ribs are my favorite food. Ribs are my favorite food because they are delicious and they have the perfect amount of tenderness to them. When you first bite the rib you will taste juicyness, richness, barbecue, and especially the wonderful meat. If you are a meat lover, I am sure that you will love ribs!

    One reason I would choose ribs, is because you can by them at the store, then you could just barbecue them outside of your house. Another reason I would choose ribs, is because you don’t always have to buy them from the store, you can also go to restaurants. Three of my favorite restaurants to eat ribs are, Anvil, Roadhouse Grill, and Famous Dave’s Bar-B-Que. These are all of the reasons I would choose to eat ribs for the rest of my life!

  29. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be Chicken because it is good to eat at lunch.
