Friday, March 11, 2016


Who has been your favorite character so far? Use detail to describe why.

Please comment on one other persons post!


  1. My favorite character is Khufu because he is funny. He will only eat things that end with an O. He also loves to play basketball. He is always happy and is a good butler.

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    2. I also like khufu he is really funny and I like that he likes to play basketball

    3. Khufu is a risk taker because he risked his own life to save Carter and Sadie in the Mansion.

    4. I also think that Khufu is very funny.

  2. My favorite character so far is Zia. Because she is always in a serious mode. Also she can sometimes be a hero

  3. My favorite character so far has been Carter the reason I like Carter is because I like that he is very knowledgeable. I know this because for example when they learned that they had to get the feather of truth he knew what it was and he explained it. And Carter is Committed I know this because he is very committed to saving his dad.

    1. True he is REALLY confident to save his Dad...

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  5. My favorite character is Sadie. I like Sadie because she is open-minded, a risk-taker and has integrity. She is always making jokes about Carter because that's her way of showing how she feels about the ideas he makes or the things he says.That's also a way that shows she has integrity. She's also a risk-taker because she stands up for herself and makes choices that are brave.

    1. I agree with you because she does make funny jokes or says something funny.

    2. She can be really funny too...

    3. That is very true. I love the jokes she makes about Carter, they are hilarious.

    4. I really liked the way you described Sadie. I also feel like Sadie shows integrity because of the way she shows her feelings in so many ways.

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  7. I chose sadie because she has a good voice.She is a respectful person because she respects everybody.She is also a caring person because she cares about everybody.

    1. That is a good reason ivan

    2. She does care about people good job.

  8. my favorite character is carter, he is my favorite character because he is such a risk taker and he tries to protect his sister. I think carter cooperates good.

  9. My favorite character so far is Sadie. One IB trait that I would give Sadie is Open-minded. I would give her an Open-minded award is because she will express herself and tell people what is on her mind or if she disagrees/agrees. Also if I were to give her the Enthusiasm because she is mostly always wanting to do something. I think that Sadie is an awesome character. She is funny, kind of rude, and sometimes kind. I would also give her the Confidence award because she is also willing to put her life on the line for Carter. I think that I can relate to Sadie because I would always put my life on the line for somebody I’d love!

    1. I really agree with that because she is always listening to other people suggestions even if she disagrees.

    2. I love how you gave full sentences and good reasons.

    3. I like Sadie to.

  10. My favorite character is Carter because he is a big risk-taker.The other reason he's my favorite character is because he cares for his dad and sister

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  13. My favorite character so far has been Carter. I feel that Carter is a thinker because he knows how to solve problems and I he doesn't he listens to other people's ideas. I also feel that Carter is caring because he cares about how Sadie is feeling and he cheers her up when she is down.

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    2. I also think that Carter is knowledgeable.

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  16. The book “The Red Pyramid” has many great characters, but my favorite is Zia. I feel that Zia shows independence. Zia shows independence because she likes doing things by herself, and in her own way. I feel that she also shows confidence. In my opinion, Zia doesn’t really seem to have any fears, and will usually stand up to anybody or anything.

    1. I agree with that because she is confident and doesn't really have any fears.

  17. My favorite character is Bast. She is my favorite character because she is a cat and she has jet black hair and she wears a leopard suit. She is a risk-taker because she fought the two headed beast at amos’s house. She also has confidence in herself.

  18. My favorite character in Red Pyramid so far is Sadie. I like Sadie because she is brave and is never afraid to do something even if it might not work.. An IB trait Sadie represents is Risk-Taker. I think that she is a risk-taker because she is not afraid to do spell even if she doesn’t know or remember how to do them.She is also a risk-taker because she isn’t afraid to get hurt or get in trouble. An IB attitude Sadie represents is Independence. I think this because she fought the “magicians” by herself after Carter got turned into a lizard.

    1. I think that is true I do believe that sadie is brave

  19. My favorite character is Carter. Carter is my favorite character because he is such a risk taker and he tries to protect his sister. I think carter cooperates really good.

  20. I think Sadie is the best character because she has independence because she can take care of herself. And she is knowledgeable because she is able to learn things easily and to think very fast when she’s in a battle.

    1. I absolutely agree with you because she dose know how to deal with monsters and she has a lot of independence.

  21. My favorite character is Sadie Kane. She is my favorite character because she is a risk-taker and independent. Sadie is a risk-taker because she defeated two older magicians who were trying to kill her and her brother,Carter, in Elvis's house. She had to do it by herself because her brother got turned into a lizard. She’s also independent because she's always doing things on her own. She had to fight the two magicians alone and open a portal on her own. Sadie also repaired Elvis’s house on her own. She did all of them on her own.

    1. I agree with you so much Sadie is also my favorite character. She is a Risk-Taker and independent.

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  23. My favorite character so far is nut because she was committed to have her children, so she made five days and added them on to the year to have her five kids, and broke ra's command. Nut is a risk taker, she knew she was taking a risk when breaking ras command.

  24. My favorite character so far is carter because he is knowledgeable and he is a risk-taker he also shows commencement.

  25. My favorite character so far has to be Carter because he is funny, he is a Risk-Taker and knowledgeable because he figures out what he has to do and he has confidence and curiosity to defeat Set and save his Dad.

  26. My favorite character is Carter. My favorite is carter because he is a thinker, he is the brains of the operation. I also like carter because he is caring because he cares for his dad by going to save him.

  27. My favorite character is Carter.Carter is a risk-taker because he always try's to help or try's to do something that he can't do.

  28. My favorite character is Carter.Carter is a risk-taker because he always try's to help or try's to do something that he can't do.

  29. My favorite character is Carter because he uses Confidence and he is a Risk-Taker. I say he is a Risk-Taker because he went to go fight the magicians. He uses confidence because he is not scared to do anything.

  30. My favorite character from the Red Pyramid is Sadie. Sadie is one of my favorite characters because, she is a girl and she is really funny. I also like Sadie because she is not normal she has powers which is really cool. I think Sadie is a Inquirer and she is confident. She is Inquirer because she ask lots of questions and she is confident because she believes in herself and everyone else.

  31. Carter is my favorite character because he is a risk-taker and pretty confident. He is a risk-taker because he took on the most dangerous creature. I also like him because he is hosting horus which is my second favorite god.

  32. My favorite character on the book, The Red Pyramid is……. (Sadie)
    Sadie is my favorite character on this book because, She's not afraid to be herself. I also like sadie because, She`s has confidence in herself. She has confidence in herself, Because she believes in herself and others. She's also inquire, Because she asks a lot of questions?

  33. My favorite character so far is carter. I think that he is a risk taker and he has curiosity.He is a Risk Taker because he had faced many monsters. He has curiosity because he is curious about the things that he doesn't know about.

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